Best Linux Distrobution

So after watching some of the Tek's I decided I'm gonna start using Linux based things. I am wondering what you think is the best and why. I already have Ubuntu installed and I probably just haven't used it enough to get used to it.

One of the main things I will need on the OS is for there to be some hack to use my xbox controller and use my xbox mic through it.

I'm also gonna need a good community to help out with any problems

You're always welcome in this community :)

Generally the distro doesn't matter that much, that's more of a convenience thing. What matters more is having an up-to-date kernel to get the most out of your machine, or sticking to a long-time-support kernel for maximum stability. Right now you prolly wouldn't want to run anything older than 3.14 tho (3.19 is right around the corner). You can check which release you're running by typing in the terminal "uname -a".

I fancy arch, because it's bleeding edge and minimal, no unnecessary BS, has great documentation (the arch wiki) and having access to the AUR is convenient. Also i'm just simply familiar with it.

The xbox ctrllr should work out of the box while wired, for wireless support you might have to alter some configs. Just back up important data before you start messing around, preferably try things out in a virtual machine before applying changes to your main system.

Never hesitate to ask, there's knowledgeable community members over here in TS who know their way around linux, and ofc you've got the ubuntu forums for potentially more tailored support.


However a minimal SUSE install with everything compiled from the source repos is my favorite.

Thanks for the info

I will just stick with Ubuntu because I already have it installed and the UI is good enough.

+1 for Arch

Ill just have Ubuntu AND arch at the same time and see what works best for me.