im looking at radeon hd 7770 or R7 260x
im wanna play bf4 at 120+ fps on any settings
any suggestions???
im looking at radeon hd 7770 or R7 260x
im wanna play bf4 at 120+ fps on any settings
any suggestions???
Want 120fps? You serious, you have x-men eyes? Maybe at an old res like 800x600 or 640x480 that'd be possible with those cards. A 260x will struggle to get 30fps @1080 in bf4.
That sort of price range I'd be considering a 750ti or second hand gpu - you can pick up older cards like gtx580's for quite cheap (which would wipe the floor with anything new).
As for 'best gpu' for your cpu, it's only when you start getting into higher range cards in sli/xfire would you notice your cpu being a bottleneck. For single gpu systems even a 780ti would be fine.
120fps is not possible anless you spend A LOT of money on the top end cards.
The answer to any "best GPU for *insert CPU here*" is get the biggest one you can afford. CPU bottleneck is rarely a problem these days unless you're crazy and play Shogun 2 with 2.5x unit sizes (which I do)
You dont need 120fps unless you have a 120hz monitor and which I doubt you have. The r7 260x will do battlefield 4 with very low settings maybe 1080p 60fps+.
I play on a 660ti with an i7 and I average 80 or so at med-high @1080p. If you dont have a 120hz monitor any thing over 60fps is wasted. If you do have a 120hz monitor then just turn the settings down some to get 100+fps. Look at a gtx 770 or a r9 280x/hd7970. Those will get you 120fps @1080p at lowered settings.
The AMD R7 265 is faster than the 750 Ti in every benchmark, while costing the same money. Just saying.
He needs at least a 270x and low settings to hit 120fps. And even then it's a big MAYBE since it's a 6300 and probably not oc.
You should see rome 2. It kills my cpu
My 7770 runs with a 6300 at a solid 60fps with drops as low as 40 at custom settings. game lookes great, all settings are mid to high
My 7770 runs with a 6300 at a solid 60fps with drops as low as 40 at custom settings. game lookes great, all settings are mid to high
Want 120fps? You serious, you have x-men eyes? Maybe at an old res like 800x600 or 640x480 that'd be possible with those cards. A 260x will struggle to get 30fps @1080 in bf4.
ummm, No. OP even said "on any settings." also 640x480 should give you close to 7x the fps.
not everyone has to play "ULTRA" settings, when in fact the greater difference in visual fidelity is from low to medium and medium to high, ultra just is icing on the cake. and IF OP values higher fps over that then fine. i personally can see the difference between 60hz and 120hz, while the delta is much smaller than say 60 v 30 it's still noticble
The best gpu for your cpu is one that is powerful enough that will not bottleneck it in games. At your price range nothing will make it a bottleneck. so don't worry about that :P
270X hitting 120 fps in BF4? no way. ☺
i think that even a GTX780 wont reach that on 1080P maxed out.
I said low settings. He specified,he wants 120 fps on ANY settings
haha i know, my post was basicly ment for OP. lol ☺
ive got a 7870GHZ and i am very happy wenn i get 60fps, on 1080p max settings, single player.