What you guys think? I want something for editing.
I was thinking about a 770
What you guys think? I want something for editing.
I was thinking about a 770
yep, that or a 280x
which 770 do you guys recommend?
probably the standard evga w acx cooler or the standard direct cu2 model from asus would be the way to go.
what's better the acx with 2 gb or the one with 4gb?
whats the difference ?
In gaming 4gb does pretty much nothing except in maybe a couple scenarios like playing heavily modded skyrim. With editing I haven't seem have much to go on so I cant say. I dont think it would be worth the money though with the r9 290 starting at 400.
Titanfall has a graphics mode that requires you have 3GB of Vram, other than I know of nothing else that uses more than 2 atm.
Can you recommend me a few?
GTX 770 Superclocked W/ Acx Cooling. I have one and boy is it good. Fans are powerful and although most GPUs are made to reach high 80s or even 90c, this one barely sees the 70s whilst running games like Metro Last Light and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag.
If your English then here's a link
I'm in the us
But i would go for a R9-280X 3GB instead of a GTX770 4GB. because its alot cheaper.
What's faster and better for editing ?770 or 280x
I´m playing bf4 at ultra settings arond 30-40 fps an I have 1gb vram so ....
i think you woulden´t need 4gb vram. If you need it you can resell it or send it back and buy an other
which programs do you use ??
yes indeed depending on which program you use?
if you can utilize open CL. then the 280X will be alot better, cause it has alot more stream processors.
I use Photoshop, lightroom, premier ect
get that 770. Because adobe uses cuda and it will realy increase your perfonce in preimier etc.
the older adobe programm´s do indeed work better on cuda, however the newer versions of adobe premiere also support open CL and open GL.