Best 760?

Just wondering, for about $320 CA max, what is the best GTX 760 i can get, More then 2GB would be ideal, but if i dont absolutely need it then thats ok. I want a relatively quite card and it will be for gaming.

I currently use the MSI gtx 760 Gamer 2GB, it works pretty well, and reaches a top speed of 1306MHz  (some cards can get higher but this is about the best this model can get. if you need higher, then the hawk series is better (if you can find one still being officially sold and not by 3rd party sellers trying to charge an insane amount for them)


the 760 supports a software volt mod that allows you to bypass the 12mv limit and some users getting nearly 1.5Hz on the card.

This pretty much puts the card s performance in between the 770 and the 780.


basically, if you can get a good deal, look for cards that have the voltage controllers listed here


A card with the controller listed in that post, and a non reference cooler will allow you to easily beat many factory overclocked 770's (though it obviously will not beat a user overclocked 770)


don't worry about 4GB

thanks man i appreciate it! :D