I’ve been looking into getting a 2FA device to handle authentication.
Yubico looks to be the most prolific goto for this.
Also there are code generating keyfobs out there which I’ve used in the past and seemed to be decent.
What options do I have out there?
I’d like to eliminate using google authenticator and also elminate 2FA through SMS for the majority of my 2FA items.
I already generate my own GPG sigs for stuff like git and personal file encryption, so I’m comfortable with that if there’s something I can use in that manner.
I really like this Trezor device. the Trezor one is 45 bucks on Amazon while the latest one is around 150 dollars. the Trezor one is the same price as a Yubico so that’s not terrible.
What is your experience with these? It appears to me they must have some sort of battery in them for the display, and I would be a bit concerned about the longevity due to that as well.
Glad to hear the yubikeys work for you. The bio is off my radar since courts have ruled biometrics aren’t passwords but appreciate your bringing it to my attention!
I own and have used the Trezor One for a while, but mostly for the crypto side of things. I’m interested in setting up the 2FA stuff, but haven’t yet due to laziness.
Hardware wise, I have no complaints. It’s easy enough to use and setup (even on Linux).
Software wise, I have a few gripes, but nothing that’s a dealbreaker. On Linux, the official packages depend on systemd. Most distros have that, and there’s nothing in Trezor’s code that requires it, that’s just what their packages use for now.
I’ve taken a crack at building packages for OpenRC or SysV, but their package build tooling needs love before that can be completed. There are appropriate bugs open for both tasks. The developers are responsive both on official channels and unofficial ones like Reddit, but it’s not been a priority for them yet.
It appears to me they must have some sort of battery
No battery. Pulls all of it’s needed power over USB, and it’s a feature.
Ideally, the fingerprint wouldn’t unlock anything without a password (at least nothing important). This would fulfill all 3 of the factors in MFA – you’d need to know the password, have the yubikey and use your fingerprint.
I’ve got LUKS set up to accept it’s challenge response to decrypt my laptop. I’m also using it on the forum, and on pretty much every other services that support it.