bedHedd's simulcasting adventure


The video I referenced to get setup

Towards the end of January, I suggested wendell look into multicasting for teampgp. I decided to try setting it up to see how hard it is and evaluate the experience.

I got some time work on getting my obs setup and have been streaming at 4k60 off of my RTX 2070 using the settings eposvox’s suggested in the video.

I only get encoding lag and dropped frames when I forget to switch off my slower internet connection.
This is a recent stream that where I had a great risk of rain run

The setup was a lot easier than I thought.


Just follow the instructions in the video. otherwise here they are below

  1. click Add new target
  2. you’ll be prompted to fill in the URL, Stream key, and video settings
  3. you’ll want to use use the suggested settings from EposVox’s video especially if you have a gpu with AV1 encoding, as it is far more efficient than h264. If you are using a rtx 2070, you can match my settings I got it from his video anyway. To change the settings click Get from OBS on the encoder setting
Setting What I used Comments
URL rtmp:// use the recommended url from twitch’s help page from twitch’s ingest servers or the closest to you physical location.
Stream key $YOUR_STREAM_KEY_HERE Keep your stream key private (anyone with it can stream to your channel)
Encoder Nvida Nvenc H.264 (ffmpeg) [ffmpeg_nvenc] I used ffmpeg, replace this with the best encoder,
Scene Get from OBS Leave this alone
Resolution 1920x1080 Use what ever resolution twitch can encode with
Framerate 60 fps Use what ever your internet can support
Rate Control CBR I got this from EposVox’s video
Bitrate 7500 I got this from EposVox’s video
Keyframe Interval (0=auto) 2 I got this from EposVox’s video
Preset PS: Slow (Good Quality) I got this from EposVox’s video
Tuning High Quality I got this from EposVox’s video
Multipass Mode Two Passes (Quarter Resolution) I got this from EposVox’s video
Profile high I got this from EposVox’s video
Psycho Visual Tuning :ballot_box_with_check: I got this from EposVox’s video
GPU 0 I got this from EposVox’s video
Max B-frames 2 I got this from EposVox’s video
Other Settings :ballot_box_with_check: Sync start with OBS So that your yt and twitch can start at the same time when you click start streaming

Aside from the go live workflow, the biggest adjustment is switching the default obs sign in to YouTube instead of twitch (which gets moved to the rtmp plugin because going live on YouTube needs a extra step).
Instead of hitting start streaming, you click Manage Broadcast

you’ll then be prompted to create a broadcast. When you are done, just click Create broadcast and start streaming


experience level

I’d rate my level of experience as a intermediate: I can follow what EposVox is saying about encoders and settings, but I’m not at the level where I’m writing my own obs and ffmpeg plugins nor experimenting with settings. I just use whatever other people have used.

my past experience

I stream primarily to archive my experiences while gaming. When I was younger, I was hoping to make a career out of it, but looking at creator burnout, I’m glad I kept it as a hobby. I streamed to youtube when it was first offered to me in 2018. The experience was pretty clunky and my R9 Fury X couldn’t keep up with the resolution and framerate.

I moved over to twitch because the highlighter and vod editor allowed me to create longer clips after the stream was over. Coming back, youtube quality is definitely better, but the lack of a vod clip/highlighter is still a massive turn off. However, since there aren’t any performance differences I’ll keep the youtube stream, as there’s barely any stream discoverability with twitch

other benefits of multistreaming

Aside from the benefit in video quality and potential discoverability, I don’t have to do any additional work uploading and waiting for twitch vods to publish to youtube. youtube has also stepped up their web editor, so it’s easier to cut out the first couple minutes of dead air before the stream start. If vods and chapters get better viewership than individual highlights

other handy streaming tools

Also this app is nice at consolidating chats, you can also set alert sounds for messages

I don’t get a lot of chatters, so having the notification sound is great because I don’t pay attention to chat. It has other features that will read the message tts