Bedhedd's fedora 39 upgrade adventure -- Summer cleaning edition (feat chatgpt 4o)

bedhedd’s fedora upgrade adventure – summer cleaning edition (feat chatgpt 4o)


You might be thinking didn’t this guy already write a post before?

Yes, yes, I have. See below

Unfortunately, I got busy and lazy, so my poor my fedora 38 desktop got neglected in version updates. If you are in a similar situation, feel free to use this blog to debug your issues. If my posts get scraped for a

{tangent} ai? what kind of monster are you?

A lazy one if I may add. I also don’t feel like searching for what commands to run. I used chatgpt 4o to upload screenshots and help me test commands I can run. Furthermore, the chat helped me keep track of which commands I ran previously and what worked. Towards the end I switched to gpt4 because 4o started to hallucinate.

In the long term, local ai fine tuned for a specific os and developer workflow will be the solution for automatic knowledge management. For more manual management and tools see this thread


Initially I thought this was going to be a painless upgrade. The first error ran into a issue with ffmpeg

whoops that wasn’t the case. Time to get locked and loaded

Unfortunately I kept getting this error

Error Summary
Disk Requirements:
   At least 4665MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

cleaning journal

While browsing the var folder I noticed I had a 3.5gb journal file from 8 months ago.

Running did not clean that folder

sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=500M

I had to navigate to the folder /var/log/journal to delete that 3.5gb folder

sudo rm -rf bb31563fcda842a3b96992a4d065024a/

cleaning flatpak

From my past experience, I knew flatpak used a lot of root storage. I ran the following commands to clean up flatpak

clearing unused flatpak data

flatpak uninstall --delete-data
Delete data for org.gimp.GIMP? [y/n]: n 
Delete data for org.audacityteam.Audacity? [y/n]: y
Delete data for org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors? [y/n]: y

flatpak repair

While browsing the disk analysis tool, I noticed the contents of the fe folder were using a lot of space
Per chatgpt’s suggestion, I ran sudo flatpak repair to further clean/free up root file space.

removing unused packages

I noticed that I had thunderbird installed even though I don’t use it. I ran

sudo dnf remove thunderbird

to uninstall it.

checking how much more space I need to reclaim

I ran this again

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39 --allowerasing

the error I got this time

Error Summary
Disk Requirements:
   At least 104MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

I needed to reclaim more space.

removing old kernels

After posting the error summary, chatgpt suggested removing older kernels using this command

sudo dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --installonly --latest-limit=-2 -q)

After running that I reran the dnf system upgrade command from before.
this time I finally got through it

Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Transaction saved to /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/system-upgrade-transaction.json.
Download complete! Use 'dnf system-upgrade reboot' to start the upgrade.
To remove cached metadata and transaction use 'dnf system-upgrade clean'
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages
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Did you install Fedora with ootb defaults? Then you likely have btrfs as root file system.

You keep deleting items but some data may not get removed from disk because they’re referred to by old snapshots.

Use btrfs sub list / to check. Use btrfs sub del <...> from the previous list.

Possible I didn’t deviate from the installer. Let me run those commands when I get back to my pc

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btrfs sub list /
ERROR: not a btrfs filesystem: /
ERROR: can't access '/'

doesn’t look like it