Hi! I’m slowly planning out a somewhat sensibly budgetted offsite backup server for me and my dad to backup our NASes and other data to (I might do a separate thread about mine at some point since I have some ZFS related questions).
For the case I’m planning to use a rackmax rm-1921 which I have laying around. Only 6 bays for harddrives, but me and my dad don’t have too much data (yet), so it should be more than enough for now. There’s also plenty of empty space to velcro strap some SATA ssd’s and a PiKVM to if needed.
As for the motherboard and platform, I was planning to go for an ARM board for the power usage, but since something like the Solidrun LX2 is basically vaporware and very expensive and the ITX-RK3588 has some horrendous limitations, I had to look elsewhere (any other suggestions are very much welcome).
I came across the BD770i which seemed like a good candidate to me. My plan was to get an HBA in the x16 slot and leave the m.2 for the quick stuff. The networking is enough as-is because the colocation place has 1GbE max per rack server. Lastly (for now) I’m planning either 32GB or 64GB RAM depending on the recommendations. I know ZFS benefits from a lot of quick RAM depending on the amount of storage and if I want to run some VM, it’ll of course need more.
So I have a base setup planned with a case and everything else, the problem I’m running into is that I’m not all too familiar with having a sane ZFS storage setup. While I know about getting CMR drives when speccing out the 6 3.5" bays, as for SSD’s I’m getting dizzy reading all the threads about specifically getting enterprise drives, optane and the like for caching, so I figured getting some drive setup suggestions for my usecase would be a good idea.
Any help is appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions.
TL;DR: Sensibly budgetted ZFS backup server at a colocation place with 1Gbps bandwidth at max.
BD770i (Ryzen 7 7745HX)
Some HBA
Rackmax RM-1921 (6*3.5" bays with some open space for 2.5" drives and pikvm)
Problem I’m running into is that I do not have a clue how to modestly spec this out with regards to ZFS setups, to make back ups the least amount of a pain as 1Gbps bandwidth allows.