Realized today that none of my friends bought Battlefront, and this reminds me a lot from Battlefield 4 release. Its like the world has gotten butthurt from BF3 reskin.
So I did ask around a bit that "why not?" and it seems like everyone expects EA games to be ripoffs, especially Season Pass is complete ripoff.
For other games my friends have been more wallets open, some even buy visual novels and JRPGs which tend to have pretty hefty price tags. Many also have bought Vermintide & Fallout 4, but didint buy Dragon Age: Inquisiton which makes me think if its actually Origin whats the problem.
Many of these also fanaticized 970 to point where my 290 Tri-X for 150€ offer got refused, which made me feel a bit insulted. Still I did guide to get MSI 970's which is alrite I guess? Just recently I managed to finally sell the cards after really throughful examples. ..I just dont even..
Where is all this coming from, I know my friends watch a lot Twitch so maybe its that? Otherwise everyone seem to be really scattered around places. Feel free to throw some guesses.
Here's random Geralt & Inquisitor pictures just because I can, thanks for reading.
Honestly. i just buy games i like. company will keep doing shit like day one DLC and get ripped off over things its just gonna happen i came to terms with that. They wont stop that shit because as a community of gamers we don't stop pre-ordering.The company's don't care.. they make money no matter what. so I've gave up caring about rip offs and day one DLC its just pointless anymore when we as gamers just let the company use us as the shitter and we watch them clean their asses with our Hard earned money. at the end of the day company see us as banks knowing the majority of us just give money.. so yeah pretty much i all i gotta say.. i don't pre-order anymore haven't for years... that just my opinion..
Well, I finally got into point where I can vote with my wallet and so I bought most of games I have already played as a teenager and enjoyed... EA has let me down and I dont like that company...I will not buy their games and honestly I dont have any need to play them neither. My last disapoitment was Fallout 4...i really liked previous Fallout games, but this one just killed the franchise for me and its the last game I bought from Bethesda.
I have seriously considered just cracking DA:I so that I could get blue Logitech pony, and its sad that Im being cornered to even consider doing it. Also ME's are much better games cracked than what you can get after paying 100€ or whatever they are asking these days.
But in any case at least my friends seem to value companies differently, like Game+EA+Origin+Pony is far worse than Game+Bandai+Steam+Swimsuit, and far less rage over 62,93€ Tales of Zestiria swimsuit collection than equally priced Season Pass with twice as much content as the original game has.