Batman vs Superman bad ratings

sitting at a 37% right now. ouch.

I have a feeling though that the majority of these early access reviewers are being too contrarian and looking for the depth of an art-house film. I'm going to stay positive.

Man of Steel was also lambasted when it first came out. I actually enjoyed that film.

I've already bought my ticket... can't wait.

Are any of you excited to see it, and are you expecting it to be decent?

I'm expecting pretty good.

I enjoyed Man of Steel. I thought it was a film that wasted about 60% of it's potential, but they managed to make a good movie nonetheless.

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I don't think I've been to see a movie in 4 years, probably won't change now

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When it comes to rottentomatoes, the audience score always carries significantly more weight than what the critics think imo. That being said I think it'll be okay. Don't think it's going to beat Deadpool though.


I'm just hoping it sticks to the comics where superman went insane and decided he wanted to fly the earth into the sun and like 4/5's of the DC characters died. That shit was great.


so stoked when i first heard about BMvSM but then i heard who was playing the bat. he's got the chin, no doubt, but the man CAN NOT act.

I do not expect to like it that much although i guess it will be enjoyable...The whole reason that the Dark Knight returns works is because of the past of the characters when they fight...That is why it makes sense...To recreate this with the characters just meeting sounds bland as hell..

I really think this movie is going to be laughably shit. Even with Affleck and Jesse in the cast it's gonna be dreadful.

There are a lot of people that say man of steel sucked a giant dick. Superman's character was way off. At least so they say. I never saw it.

This one looks like shit, and the one good twist was ruined in a trailer when I went to see star wars.


take critic scores with a grain of salt

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I have read a few of the reviews and it feels like they were for the most part expecting something more Marvel esque in feel. There are some consistent complaints about pacing but most of the negative reviews I read are more around the fact that the film is darker than the reviewers expected as opposed too not taking itself to seriously like a Marvel film.

i want to see it but im probably gonna wait for r-rated version on digital hd

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The barrage of ads over the past year for this film killed my interest long ago.

I'll wait for yify.


I get the feeling that this movies is just a bad Hollywood ripoff of why they think that the original batman trilogy was good. They think its all about the brooding darkness and the grit buts its really about great batman stories brought to life by well cast actors and a skilled director who understand the characters and their place in the universe. Rather than escapism and sensory exhilaration, viewers get down in the mire with protagonists who grimace, scowl and wince their way through heroics with the joyless determination of shift workers making the doughnuts. The final fight scene in in the most recent superman movie was just flat out awkward because superman was just pure anger and nothing else. he isn't just a big ball of indestructible muscle pin balling himself around New York and destroying things. That's not who superman is even in the stories where he turns bad and tries to save the world from itself by becoming its ruler. Batman isn't just some brooding disconnected depressive who's good with his fists he is s complicated character with a complicated belief and moral system that can't be summed up in Ben Affleck one-liners.

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I never liked the idea of this film and it will be very unlikely I will ever watch it.

Did a single person ever think it would be reviewed well? Seriously?

It's an eat popcorn and watch explosions movie. If there is any story at all, bonus.


Saw it and yes it's not that good but I didn't expect much so no disapointment for me.

Well, I actually thought Man of Steel was a great superhero movie. Not that it needs to be profound. Watchmen was panned by critics, yet today it's revered as one of the best superhero movies ever, by the same director : Zak Snyder.

So I'm hoping it's good. doesn't seem promising though.

Just saw it. It's amazing. Here are the positives.

Hans Zimmer's score. Probably the best music I've heard in any superhero movie, up there with dark knight.

Action sequences are fluid and intense, long winded and dynamic, they are never boring and you can see everything.

CGI was great. Doomsday was amazing looking, especially when batman was flying overhead.

Lex Luther has his charm and I see where they are going with him, an eccentric genius that is 'the joker,' in terms of crazy levels. Just more manipulative.

The story was actually pretty easy to follow. But it had continuity problems with tying everything together.

Dialogue was good at times.

negatives are that the story does feel disjointed and does have continuity issues and because of this, everyone has a sort of sixth sense to determine what everyone else is doing.

Some parts were cheesy.

Aquaman and the insertion of unnecessary characters to join in, in future installments. They felt shoehorned in.

Lex Luthor isn't the traditional, cold calculating type, he does feel like he's unrelenting and hyper aggressive without understanding the consequences of his actions. But that is most likely due to his age in the film.

The ending pissed everyone off because someone died...

People complaining about Batman / Superman killing people is ridiculous. It's a realistic outlook on these characters. Of course, Batman is going to use his miniguns on his batcopter when other people in apc's with cannons are shooting at him. Also, he's just a mortal man in a suit, facing dozens of guys with armed machine guns. There will be casualties... for his sake.


superman is going to be bizarro in the next film. As he was entagled with doomsday during his death. During Batmans vision, he saw flash say that Superman is a bad guy, and that he's not who you think he is, and he needs to be stopped.

Also, at the end of the movie, Batman says that he feels something coming. He doesn't know what though...

Then the dirt starts to levitate over superman's coffin.