i try to find the best wireguard/vpn server for certain endpoints at the moment, when im more familiar with this stuff i want this a bit more interactive and selective about the endpoints.
im reading the content of /etc/wireguard via ls into an array (ls for this should’nt be used, but works so far)
im looping through the config files and setup new vpn via wg-quick (only this supports Address= in config, but is limited to 16 bytes as config name, yey)
then i want to read the output of curl into a new array and want to output is after the loop again with the wireguard-config used. at the moment i echo the config name and curl speed, this worked. but somehow i cant get the 2nd loop to get working for doing the array of the speeds.
it seems that $avg_speed doenst count correctly when doing array output. my first time working with arrays and bash, had some pascal in school ages ago. made alot copy&paste for this.
configs=( $(ls /etc/wireguard/ | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//') )
for ((i=0; i<${#configs[@]};i++)); do
wg-quick down "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
printf 'VPN-Count:%i\n' "${#configs[@]}"
for ((i=0; i<${#configs[@]};i++)); do
#do something to each element of array
wg-quick down "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "${configs[$i]}"
wg-quick up "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 2s
for ((c=0; c<${#configs[@]}; seq (${#configs[@]})) do
avg_speed=( $(curl -Ssfq -w '%{speed_download}' --url $target --output "/dev/null"))
echo "${avg_speed[$c]}"
echo "${#avg_speed[@]}"
sleep 2s
wg-quick down "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
printf '%s,%f\n' "${configs[$i]}" "${avg_speed[$c]}"
dont mind all the echos there, trying to figure out when something happens.
i googled some more and found that i have to declare an array first and count the output of curl with +. used some other variation with.
configs=( $(ls /etc/wireguard/ | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'))
declare avg_speed=()
echo "removing all wireguardlinks..."
for ((i=0; i<${#configs[@]};i++)); do
wg-quick down "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "done."
sleep 1
for ((i=0; i<${#configs[@]};i++)); do
#do something to each element of array
wg-quick up "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 5s
avg_speed+=( $(curl -Ssfq -w '%{speed_download}' --url $target --output "/dev/null"))
# printf '%i\n' "${avg_speed[$i]}"
sleep 5s
wg-quick down "${configs[i]}" > /dev/null 2>&1
printf '%s-%.3f\n' "${configs[$i]}" "$(echo "${avg_speed[$i]}/1000000" | bc-l )"
sleep 1s
echo "done"
trying to figure out how to modify the decimal radix in printf so i get mbits and not bytes.
it does what it should do, now ive to make it pretty.
*8 to get from Bytes to bits, and your average should be against the number of runs, not a million.
You appear to be pulling times per config based on the number of configs.
Consider setting the number of runs before your outer “i” loop.
Not sure about using seq in a loop constructor. Try:
for((c=0; c<${runs_per_config}; c++)); do
You don’t need an array to hold the individual times. Before the inner loop, set a var to zero then add to it:
(In fact, avg_speed+= can be problematic based on your version of bash. avg_speed[$i] may give better results.
The average gets set after the “c” loop completes:
average_time=$(echo -e “${ttl_time} / ${runs_per_config}” | bc -l);
print f’%s,%.3f\n’ “${configs[$i]}” “${average_time}”;
Why are you looping through configs twice? Also, this loop is a bit funky in general?
Typically you will do a C-style for-loop, or a foreach-loop, but here you appear to be conflating the two syntaxes.
Your bug is on this line. You’re declaring a new array with a single element each time through the loop. You want to append the array (or use the loop index) instead. Or you can declare an associative array.
I am avoiding work and need to brush up on my shell scripting, so I took a stab at writing this like I would for a client. I went a little wild with it but I was challenging myself and having fun. Take it or leave it.
# N.B. https://gist.github.com/mohanpedala/1e2ff5661761d3abd0385e8223e16425
set -eEuo pipefail
readonly target="http://speedtest.fra1.de.leaseweb.net/10mb.bin"
readonly wireguard_dir="/etc/wireguard"
wg_quick() {
# N.B. We want to capture the output of wg-quick and only show it if there's
# an error.
local tmpfile; tmpfile=$(mktemp)
# N.B. This cleans up the temporary file whether the function returns zero
# (success) or not.
trap 'rm -f "$tmpfile"; trap - RETURN' RETURN
local rc=0
wg-quick "$2" "$1" >/dev/null 2>"$tmpfile" || rc=$?
if (( rc != 0 )) ; then
cat "$tmpfile" >&2
return $rc
up() {
wg_quick "$1" up
down() {
wg_quick "$1" down
is_up() {
local ifname="$1"
local operstate_file="/sys/class/net/$ifname/operstate"
if [[ ! -f "$operstate_file" || ! -r "$operstate_file" ]] ; then
return 2
local operstate; read -r operstate <"$operstate_file"
if [[ "$operstate" == "down" ]] ; then
return 1
return 0
is_down() {
! is_up "$1"
down_if_up() {
is_down "$1" || down "$1"
bytes_to_bps() {
numfmt --to=iec --suffix=bps $(( $1 * 8 ))
curl_target() {
curl -sSfq -w '%{speed_download}' --url "$target" --output /dev/null
speedtest() {
local ifname=$1
up "$ifname"
results[$ifname]=$(bytes_to_bps $(curl_target))
sleep 2
down "$ifname"
log() {
local level=${1^^}
# N.B. Write to stderr so user can capture the results from stdout.
echo "$level: $*" >&2
get_ifnames() {
if [[ ! -d "$wireguard_dir" || ! -r "$wireguard_dir" ]] ; then
log error "Unable to list configuration files in $wireguard_dir"
return 2
# N.B. This makes the wildcard work properly if there are no WireGuard
# configuration files in the directory.
shopt -s nullglob
local config
for config in "$wireguard_dir"/*.conf ; do
basename "$config" .conf
shopt -u nullglob
loop() {
# Run the given callback function for each loop interation. The default
# callback function is the no-op bash function `:'.
local __callback=${1:-:}
if (( $# > 0 )) ; then
# N.B. This lets us pass along any "extra" arguments to the callback
# function.
local ifname
for ifname in "${ifnames[@]}" ; do
log info " * <$ifname>"
"$__callback" "$ifname" "$@"
main() {
# We'll store speedtest results--in bytes/sec--in an associative array, indexed
# by interface name.
# TODO: Make these local variables and pass them by reference to `loop' and
# `speedtest' or otherwise fix those methods to not directly reference them.
declare -a ifnames=($(get_ifnames))
declare -A results
log info "Downing WireGuard interfaces..."
# N.B. Escaping the callback function name here has the same effect as
# quoting it, but I prefer this syntax to highlight the "oddity".
loop \down_if_up
log info "Done!"
log info "Speed-testing WireGuard interfaces..."
loop \speedtest
log info "Done!"
log info "Summarizing speedtest results..."
# N.B. We could re-use `loop' with another callback function, or simply loop
# through the associatve array as I've done here.
for ifname in "${!results[@]}" ; do
echo -e "$ifname\t${results[$ifname]}"
log info "Done!"
gives output in bytes, according to guides/manpages, it should be correct.
i “benchmark all” servers of airvpn, they got a bunch. the first loop removing them is just for removing “dead” wireguard servers when i canceled the script.
the results in the array, yeah, writing down just a single var should be okay with printf >> results.log e.g. i wanted to sort them later on by speed with the corresponding server. avg_speed+= worked for me.
i wasnt to so far look more detailed why bash wants that many rounded braces.
yeah, it just gave the first result and every other result was empty/0. avg_speed+= worked. i copy&pasted alot of stuff from stack exchange.
i will read your bash script, it looks long but not that dense.
when i had pascal in school, wasnt that much, we just made basic stuff and now im eager to “solve” my problem. i think i can learn alot by your script, you doing cases/catches. and maybe i should stick to one language for a while, looking at different things. for e.g. looked at influxdb it messes up how to think about the problem.