Automated Microcenter stock checking (updated)

Rewritten at:

Wrapped up real nice in a class now.
maybe i’ll write up a tutorial later for people just looking to use it to score a gpu; out of time for now.
more later.

example code at the bottom

git clone

#/usr/bin/env python

mc-stock checks stock on specified items at Microcenter store locations, and
sends email notifications when changes are detected.  Applicably, it helps
the user obtain rare items during shortages, like graphics cards.

from getpass import getpass
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool, Queue
from re import search
from requests import get
from time import sleep
from smtplib import SMTP

class MCStock(object):
    def __init__(self, storeNum):
        self.storeNum = '131' if not storeNum else str(storeNum)

class Store(MCStock):
    def __init__(self, storeNum, server=None, port=None, sender=None, password=None, recipient=None, debug=False):
        self.items = set()
        self.newInStock, self.totalInStock = 0, 0
        self.debug = False if debug is None else debug # Setting debug to True enables false positives for testing
        self.server = '' if server is None else server
        self.port = 587 if port is None else port
        self.sender = input('Enter sender email address: ') if sender is None else sender
        if not self.sender:
            raise ValueError('Sender address cannot be empty')
        self.recipient = sender if recipient is None else recipient # Assumes loopback if recipient is not provided
        if self.server and self.sender and not password:
            self.password = getpass('Enter email password: ')
            self.password = password
        self.recipient = recipient

    def __str__(self):
        return '\n'.join(item.__str__() for item in self.items)

    def add(self, *links):
        for link in links:
            if isinstance(link, (list, tuple, set)):
                for l in link:
            elif isinstance(link, str):
                raise TypeError('Links must be a string or list of strings')

    def add_link(self, link):
        if isinstance(link, str):
            if link not in ( for item in self.items):
                new = Item(self.storeNum, link)
            raise TypeError('Link must be a string')

    def remove(self, links):
        for link in links:
            for item in self.items:
                if link ==

    def email_message(self, q):
        new = []
        while not q.empty():
        message = '\n'.join(item.__str__() for item in new)
        return message

    def email_subject(self):
        return f'({self.newInStock} new, {self.totalInStock} total) items in stock at Microcenter {self.storeNum}'

    def send_email(self, subject, message):
        server = SMTP(self.server, self.port)
        server.login(self.sender, self.password)
        body = '\n'.join([f'To: {self.recipient}',
                            f'From: {self.sender}',
                            f'Subject: {subject}'
                            '', message])
            server.sendmail(self.sender, self.recipient, body)
            sent = True
            sent = False
        return sent

    def update(self):
        q = Queue()
        p = Pool(cpu_count())
        for item in p.imap(self.update_item, self.items):
        self.newInStock = q.qsize()
        self.totalInStock = sum(item.stock for item in self.items)
        return q

    def run(self, minutes=15):
        if isinstance(minutes, int):
            seconds = minutes * 60
            raise TypeError('Minutes must be an integer or float')
        while True:
            q = self.update()
            subject = self.email_subject()
            message = self.email_message(q)
            if self.newInStock:
                if self.send_email(subject, message):
                    print('Recipient notified of stock changes')

    def update_item(self, item):
        if item.stock and item.stockChanged or self.debug:
            return item

class Item(MCStock):
    def __init__(self, storeNum, link):
        super().__init__(storeNum) = link
        self.sku = None
        self.price = None
        self.stock = None
        self.stockChanged = False
        self.priceChanged = False

    def __str__(self):
        if self.stock:
            stock = 'in stock'
            stock = 'out of stock'
        return f'SKU {self.sku} is {stock} for {self.price} at Microcenter {self.storeNum}\n{}\n'

    def pull(self):
        page = get(, cookies={'storeSelected': self.storeNum}).text
        return page

    def parse_lines(self, page):
        for var in ['SKU', 'inStock', 'productPrice']:
            reply = search(f"(?<='{var}':').*?(?=',)", page)
            if reply:

    def update(self):
        page = str(self.pull())
        data = tuple(self.parse_lines(page))
        if not data or any(data) is None:
            raise ValueError('Data missing from request or store number invalid')
        self.sku, inStock, price = int(data[0]), data[1], float(data[2])
        if inStock == 'True':
            stock = True
            stock = False
        if stock != self.stock and self.stock is not None:
            self.stockChanged = True
            self.stockChanged = False
        if price != self.price and self.price is not None:
            self.priceChanged = True
            self.priceChanged = False
        self.stock = stock
        self.price = price

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rx570 = ['',
    mc = Store(131)

you can, just like, ignore all this below here, ya know… it’s bad bad code, so just… scroll back up. please.

pasting here because why the hell not and in case anyone is interested in scraping the page for their local store’s vega stock or whatever.

replace or add item lists with the items you want
also replace the store ID number (you can find it in page source fairly easily), email info, and store info. I let it sleep for 5 seconds so it doesn’t hit too much too fast.

Also you can cron that shit to run as often as you like.

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /mc_crawler/

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import requests
from time import sleep
import smtplib
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
import os

cookies = dict(storeSelected='YOURSTORENUMBER')
global inStockItems
itemURLs = []
global msgText
msgText = ""
stockCurrent = {}
if os.path.exists("items_in_stock"):
    stockLast = pickle.load(open(r"items_in_stock", "rb"))

class DictDiffer(object):
    Calculate the difference between two dictionaries as:
    (1) items added
    (2) items removed
    (3) keys same in both but changed values
    (4) keys same in both and unchanged values
    def __init__(self, current_dict, past_dict):
        self.current_dict, self.past_dict = current_dict, past_dict
        self.set_current, self.set_past = set(current_dict.keys()), set(past_dict.keys())
        self.intersect = self.set_current.intersection(self.set_past)
    def added(self):
        return self.set_current - self.intersect
    def removed(self):
        return self.set_past - self.intersect
    def changed(self):
        return set(o for o in self.intersect if self.past_dict[o] != self.current_dict[o])
    def unchanged(self):
        return set(o for o in self.intersect if self.past_dict[o] == self.current_dict[o])

rx570 = [

rx580= [

for item in rx570:
    respData = requests.get(item, cookies=cookies).text
    skuNum = re.findall(r'SKU:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    inStock = re.findall(r'inStock:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    productPrice = re.findall(r'price:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    storeId = re.findall(r'storeId:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    stockCurrent[skuNum[0]] = inStock[0]
    for stock in inStock:
        if stock == "True":
            msgText = msgText+"RX 570 -- SKU: "+skuNum[0]+" -- "+productPrice[0]+"\n"+item+"\n\n"
        elif stock == "False":
            print("RX 570 -- SKU: "+skuNum[0]+" -- Out of stock")
            print("Error retrieving stock")

for item in rx580:
    respData = requests.get(item, cookies=cookies).text
    skuNum = re.findall(r'SKU:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    inStock = re.findall(r'inStock:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    productPrice = re.findall(r'price:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    storeId = re.findall(r'storeId:"(.*?)",',str(respData))
    stockCurrent[skuNum[0]] = inStock[0]
    for stock in inStock:
        if stock == "True":
            msgText = msgText+"RX 580 -- SKU: "+skuNum[0]+" -- "+productPrice[0]+"\n"+item+"\n\n"
        elif stock == "False":
            print("RX 580 -- SKU: "+skuNum[0]+" -- Out of stock")
            print("Error retrieving stock")

with open(r"items_in_stock", "wb") as outfile:
    pickle.dump(stockCurrent, outfile)

stockDiff = DictDiffer(stockCurrent, stockLast).changed()

if stockDiff:
    print("Stock changed:")
    for i in stockDiff:
        if stockCurrent[i] == "False":
            print(i+" -- "+"Out of stock")
        elif stockCurrent[i] == "True":
            print(i+" -- "+"IN STOCK")
    print("Stock unchanged")

storeInfo="""Paste store address and other info here"""

if len(msgText) and stockDiff:
    TO = ['[email protected]']
    SUBJECT = 'GPU IN STOCK at Microcenter'
    TEXT = msgText+"\n\n"+storeInfo

    # Gmail Sign In
    gmail_sender = '[email protected]'
    gmail_passwd = 'YourServerEmailPW'

    server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
    server.login(gmail_sender, gmail_passwd)

    BODY = '\r\n'.join(['To: %s' % TO,
                        'From: %s' % gmail_sender,
                        'Subject: %s' % SUBJECT,
                        '', TEXT])

        server.sendmail(gmail_sender, TO, BODY)
        print ('Email sent')
        print ('Error sending mail')

    print("No email sent")
del inStock,msgText

should post this here too


1 Like

Updated in OP, given the recent GPU shortage. I am still not understanding how to use super most effectively, but it’s getting there. I may move the email stuff to another class for the ability to check multiple locations in the same email, as well as add an install script and a systemd service. We’ll see.

Hello, is there a way to use this script to detect Open Box items like Ryzen CPUs to be exact (3900x)? I’m always out of luck when open box shows up. I know there are a lot of people returning their CPUs inh my location and my friends confirmed they got a few for themselves.

1 Like

While this is well-written code, there is a far simpler, more elegant approach than using cookies to set the store location. Just use this style of URL,

https:// www. microcenter. com/product/608316/amd-ryzen-9-3900x-matisse-38ghz-12-core-am4-boxed-processor-with-wraith-prism-cooler?storeid=055

, replacing


with your store number and the product link before ?storeid= with the product you are looking for. You can find your store number by simply hitting the “change” button when at the top of the product page you are interested in. Then from the dropdown under Looking for a different location?, select your store. The page will then reload with the correct URL you need to scan for changes in page activity. For open box, have your page scrapper scan for the occurrence of the phrases “Open Box from” or “SELECT OPEN BOX” and have it notify you when those words appear.


Thank you, I couldn’t remember how I found the store number in the first place. String manipulation is definitely better than the way I wrote it.

One thing I found a few years back is that graphics cards would be finally stocked and then within 5-10 minutes go back to sold out 2-3 hours before the store even opened. I surmise it was employee purchases (vs allowing backorders for in-store only items) given the consumer restrictions; i.e., “$10k per unit if buying >1 per household” for a $300 card

I did a search for microcenter stock checks and this url came up. I joined the forum and I have to figure out how to join the Discord for LevelOneTechs.

I have seven microcenters in a 150 miles radius - I need to be able to data mine their stores.

I will work on setting up a new repo and will check out this code. Thanks for posting.

Is anyone interested in helping out? This code is six years old.