Australian Census D-DOS

“The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) says it believes a series of hacking attacks which led to the census website being shut down last night were part of a deliberate attempt to sabotage the national survey.”

As an Australian I find this Ironic.

"Our servers will be able to handle the Australian Census no problem. Furthermore, that sweet sweet data which is not as anonymised as it used to be will be unreachable by would-be hackers. These things we promise."



A massive 'Stuff-Up' by our woeful government.

Thats nothing, at the start of the year there was a flaw where you could log into any mygov account by sending a request url with the mygov username>(which were leaked last year). im not sure it was on the news though

Australian IT security policy "She'll be right mate".

It not like anyone would be interested in a mailing list for an entire country which includes household income anyway.

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I requested the paper forms. Filled them in with a fountain pen, left it in the sink overnight, ironed it, shoved it in the return pouch and sent it back - completely illegible.


They only received the info I wanted to give them, and that was bugger all.

From what I've read, the ABS spent around $350,000 on stability testing (loads of approximately 150% of the expected traffic) with some IT company named Revolution IT.

What they should have done was get @Dexter_Kane 's super-ultra-paranoid-killswitch NAS setup. Would have been smooth sailing then.

lol, except for the part where I kind of broke it :P

What they should have done was got a cloudflare account or something like that, of course it was going to get DDOS, I can get that the government are too backwards to understand that but you'd think this security consulting company would have warned them.

2 year necro