Asus Proart Z-890 8400 CKD not posting

UPDATE 3: TLDR I went crazy testing RAM. Can’t get 8400 stable going to reseat RAM and see if anything changes. Any other advice or testing methodologies is appreciated.

UPDATE 2: while 8400 could post it wasn’t stable and wouldn’t always train since fast boot was disabled. Trying DIMMFIT on Bios 1002 to get something stable.

UPDATE: On the earliest BIOS (0243) I can post at 8400 MT/s

Hi All,
I bought some Teamgroup CKD 8400 MT/s ram.
Timing 42-54-54-84z
VDD at 1.4
VDDQ at 1.4

I also have an Asus Z-890 Proart with a 285k.
I cannot for the life of me get it to run at 8400.
With the XMP II profile at a maximum I can get 8200.
However that 8200 isn’t super stable.

It is in slots A2 and B2.
It is not on the QVL (I know this is not necessarily bad but wanted to be clear)

Using DIMM Fit doesn’t seem to help.
Increasing VDD, VDDQ, and memory controller voltage not helping.

Any help is appreciated, I’m a newb to memory OC so error on my part is 100% possible.

8400 was posting(not stable in memtest86) and 8200 was rock solid on an earlier bios pre 1401.

Current bios is 1401
8133 is stable and 8200 stable-ish


What gear is your memory running in? Most people running this speed would probably run at least gear 2.

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Thanks for the welcome! :slight_smile:
Running gear 2.
Haven’t tried gear 4 on current bios rev.

I know latency penalty on gear 4 is pretty bad.

Hi, I have the same memory with 285K but on AsRock Z890, no issues with 8400 XMP profile for me, but the 0x114 microcode update causes performance regression if it even boots past bios. Have you tried going back one bios iteration?

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I know this motherboard allows you to go back microcode. Should I do older microcode and previous bios rev?

I know this motherboard allows you to go back microcode. Should I do older microcode and previous bios rev?

I would try it, my motherboard is pretty middle of the road and has no problem with that exact memory kit, though it is on the QVL.

I’ll try that when I get home. Appreciate the insight!

If 8200 was stable on the previous bios, then went to shit on new one, there may be an issue with the new bios. Not sure from your post if you tried the 8400 with the old bios yet.

Makes sense!

I did try 8400 on an older bios (don’t remember which rev) and it posted with XMPII. However, it was not stable in memtest86.

Updated: more data points
Here’s where we are.
I’ve tried multiple BIOS revisions and have tried to limit my variables.

ucode Bios Rev XMP Profile Speed VDD VDDQ Pass/Fail POST Training Profile Dimm FIT run Dimm Fit Freq Dim Fit timings Fast Boot Note
x114 1401 XMPII 8400 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 XMPII 8200 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 XMPII 8067 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 XMPII 8000 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Standard no n/a n/a Disabled
x10D 1401 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1401 Auto 6400 Auto Auto Pass Auto no n/a n/a Enabled
x114 1302 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1302 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Second run of old bios 8133 did not POST
x114 1302 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Third run of old bios 8133 did POST
x114 1302 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Fourth run of old bios 8133 did POST
x114 1302 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Fifth run of old bios 8133 did POST
x114 1302 XMPII 8200 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1302 XMPII 8066 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1203 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1203 XMPII 8066 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1203 XMPII 8000 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1203 XMPII 7933 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1101 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1101 XMPII 8066 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
x114 1101 XMPII 8000 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled After Flash Back BIOS was incredibly slow on first boot. Seemed resolved after second
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8133 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Failed after subsequent boot up
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8200 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Trying for grins
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8200 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Failed on POST before moving to 8400
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8400 1.4 1.4 Pass Auto no n/a n/a Disabled Again for the grins
UNKNOWN 243 XMPII 8800 1.4 1.4 Fail Auto no n/a n/a Disabled We got this far didn’t we?

Will update table above but got 8400 to post on bios 0243

Going to attempt upgrades and see when it becomes unstable. May run 8400 DIMM fit on 0243.

I came across this video on YouTube, which may help with your issue.

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Thanks for sharing! I haven’t tried to look at ODT settings yet so that could be an interesting dial to turn!