ASUS Pro WS WRX90E-SAGE SE Ram Recommendations

Just wanted to create a thread in regards to this board and specifically center it on what ram people are having the best experiences with.

I used 8 x Kingston KF556R36-32 (256), seems solid so far at 5600 putting down consistent 260 GB/s results in benchmarks


Strange, 8x5600 should perform around 358 GB/s.
5600 MT/s * 64bit * 8 channels / 8 (from bit to byte) = 358400 MB/s= 358.4 GB/s.

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I think you’d only ever get that theoretical bandwidth if you could reduce the memory latency to 0ns; I’m assuming the benchmark runs through it’s cache hierarchy the same on the mythical 0ns memory as with real-world-memory when executing benchmark.

Setting NPS=2 or NPS=4 should give some improvements to those real world bandwidth numbers assuming the program is NUMA aware (which I’m sure it is).

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I currently have two sticks of KINGSTON 64G 4800 ECC 2RX4 HYNIXM. If i have them both in the board i inevitably get 0D errors/system crashes in windows.

I ran with just one stick for about a day and a half and had no issues , no blue screens regardless of workloads. I am now testing the other stick solo to see if maybe it is a bad stick but yeah…i need to figure out what ram i am going to be going with.

Eventually id like to have 512 in the system but right now i am just trying to successfully hit dual channel.

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The 2Rx4 organized memory tends to be more stressful to the memory controller than 2Rx8… Unfortunately there are no 64GB 2Rx8 RDIMMs yet though, but 48GB 2Rx8 RDIMMs exist.

Perhaps the issue is something else other than memory loading the memory controller too heavily, it seems like 4800MHz should run reliably because it’s slower than the officially supported spec.

At this point i am going to assume that the most likely culprit is bad/incompatiblity as it pertains to the ram itself. No reason to assume its anything other than that until i can test more types of ram.

I am interestd in this Rx4 vs Rx8 stuff. Is rx8 what is recommended for this board?

8 dimm support is the main reason I waited for this board. My apps are choked on memory and pci bandwidth. The more I have the happier my day is at the end. If you don’t need the 8x or the pci lanes the trx board might be better?

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Definitely not.

This is the perfect board in theory for everything i wish to accomplish. I just need to get my ram situation figured out. I only bought two sticks to troubleshoot and test the system because of a long line of issues i had with Wrx80 That i can’t even begin to explain. I have a thread with 100+ post in it on the matter here .

Having 8 dims is fine and i will have that eventually.The pcie lanes and cpu resources are the main reason i am on wrx 90.


Is your ram Rx8?

The Asrock WRX90 WS EVO Memory QVL lists a lot more options.
I hope that most of them are already compatible with the Asus board or soon will be.
My personal favorite is the HYNIX HMCG94AGBRA181N 64GB 5600 Cl46 which I would like to use with the Asus board.

The VColor TR564G60D432SQ 64GB 6000 Cl32 looks even better but I don’t have high hopes it will be supported.

This Asus board has the perfect balance of everything and usb4/thunderbolt support. It as well has Asus’s amazing build quality.

Asrock makes quality boards with really terrible materials (namely the plastics). I have the Asrock Wrx80 creator and the clips on that thing were like paper and the nvme heatsinks were brittle. Not a fan of there build quality AT ALL.

That said as far as things being plug and play and just working…asrock wins there in my experience.


From a materialistic point of view, this Asus board is one of the most enjoyable boards i have ever owned just based on how mighty it is physically. Can’t overstate how insane the actual build quality of this board is.

Don’t get me wrong, I will go with the Asus board for my planned build, mainly because I prefer it’s feature-set (Here is the feature comparison I created btw.: TRX50 / WRX90 feature comparison - Google Sheets ). I just mentioned the ASrock board as its memory qvl is a lot more extensive compared with asus.

For sure. I knew that i just couldn’t help but gush about how cool this board is just conceptually. That said I wiould really like a few good ram recommendations but the list is so short on the asus website that you got wendell doing his own qvl at this point. Pretty annoyging on asus’s part.

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The Asus “build quality” is questionable, so many problems with 1.3k$ board… And on WRX80 it was same. But yes, now you can only choose this one or AsRock and latest is meh. I wish Supermicro had WRX90.

To answer the questionable aspects, when i’m referring to build quality i’m referring to just that. The physical materials used. Metals , plastics ect.

Of course when it comes to compatibility, thats were the problems arise. I already stated as much.

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If anybody has this board… when I plug in more than one Ram stick, I get the 0D error. I’m not sure if it’s because of the RAM I have or if I’m putting them in the wrong sockets.

I have this RAM in the system, but only 1 of the 4-sticks.
G.SKILL Zeta R5 NEO Series (AMD Expo) DDR5 RAM 64GB (4x16GB)

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!