Hi, I have an Asus AMD 7950 DirectCU II v2 and I overclocked it to 1080 mhz core (from 900) with Asus Gpu Tweak. Naturally I changed the fan settings to user define and I tweaked it a little until it the gpu stayed in the low 70's while overclocked in full load, it was a bit noisy but I prefered it that way since I game with headphones. After about one, maybe two weeks (meaning today) I started playing a bit of Skyrim (very, very modded version) and I was curious on the gpu's temperature so I opened up Gpu-Z and have it to make a log so I can see how the gpu was handleing my game. Luckly I got bored after a hour and to my horror when I opened the log file the fan speed was at 10% even in the high 80s and then shifted to 100% in the 90s. The maximum temperature reached was 97c. Of course I did not make such fan profile, the one I made did not let the gpu go over 74c tops. I confirmed this after opening the gpu tweak and the fan settings was as I configured them. After playing around a bit with asus gpu tweak I realized the damn fan profile does not work unless the application is opened but the overclock still was enabled regardless. I'd like to mentions that I did not have any frame rate issues or any other bad stuff that could be related to the gpu, the game run just fine. With that being sad, was there any damage done to the card in this 1-2 week period (i moded it a couple of days ago and until then i played the consoleized version only, no other game) ? Is there a way to make that damn application load my profile without me opening it, the overclock part seems to remember to activate when i start the pc but not the fan settings and is it normal to behave like such ?
This is the log file download: