Asrock Wrx80 Creator & Threadripper 5995wrx issues with resources?

Can you keep track of which drive was copied to and from and about how much data?

The specific drive and model. And let me know

I might have an old enterprise drive to send to have you use and try. I’ve seen some adata drives do this exact thing when the write cache was quenched and windows was trying to do swap file writing

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Yeah i will keep track. The main drives i was copying from were the Samsung 990 pro with 2 tb and a Kingston kc3000 drive with 4tb.Usually i am copying from the kingston kc 3000 to the c drive which is the 990 pro. Wow your level of investment in helping me resolve this issue brightens my day so thank you.

I just turned off the paging thing and for a brief moment things were moving ok with the transfer but its went back to being slow and the whole computer lagging. Here is a video going over everything.

I wonder of the logic on your PCIe 4x NVME causes issues, there are “dumb” cards that seems to wire the PCIe lines directly to each slot. PCIe 4.0 x16 to 4x M.2 NVMe Adapter Card,IO-PCE44M2-02 - PCIe - Storage Products - My web

@dizzy i have the gigabyte nvme add in card that came with the gigabyte designare trx40.

Ahh, looking a bit closer it doesn’t seem like it utilizes any kinda of PCIe logic :-/
My only guess is that one or more of your NVME drives don’t play nice with the rest of the hardware. What if you only have one drive installed same issues? And if so the same if you swap it out for another model (of the NVME drive) if possible?

@diizzy Yup i have done this and the same issue resides.

Some other thing:

I see in your video that you have a lot of keyboards around your computer. Are these all connected to the computer?

Do you also have these lag issues when those are disconnected?

I myself do not record but I’ve read that there’s a midi real time clock thing to keep midi instruments / DAW synchronized. Could these potentially cause some interrupt flooding, or lag? I also saw recently a video about buffer settings (regarding input delay / stuttering) for audio recordings and wonder if that could have an impact as well.

I only run windows 10 in a VM, but I remember that I had some severe stuttering in some game initially and I think I remember that I found some tips online to disable hpet (high precision event timer) and the stuttering mostly disappeared.

@gysi Yes unfortantly i do inded have these issues with all of my synths/ midi controllers disconnected. I have a lot of audio hardware and all of it is built in such a way that it is standalone and can run without the need of a computer as far as things like midi clocking are concenred.

Due to me having my audio set up in this way and recently switching over to dante from thunderbolt for audio, just about all of my audio issues have vanished…because the computer has minimal invovlment with the processing.

Hmmmm the plot thickens. DM me your shipping address? I have one of those that is not truly pcie gen4. Let me dig that out, and swap it in for testing.

The 990 pro write cache is much much smaller than the 980 pro writecache also. And I can confirm, as the c drive, it does go all wonky. Some of the wonkiness here may be windows assuming it can “always” do stuff with the main C drive… but it can’t if the the write thing has been quenched. with the page file thing that lowers “background writing” but theres still a lot of writing you dont see in the bg from just using your computer. temp files, windows itself, etc.

Still banging on it some from my end.
What are the other drives in the 4x4 again? how have you got them configured?


Drives on motherboatd
Samsung 990 Pro 2tb (C )
Kingston Kc3000 4tb Music production drive (B)

Sonnet Echo Express SE IIIe Thunderbolt 3 Expansion has one hdd in it via a x1 nvme expansion add on. Its the Kingston Kc3000 1tb hdd( The old C drive now the 3d modeling (H) drive

2 Seagate 4tb iron wolf sata disk drives Drives (A and P)

1 sata data drive samung evo with 500gb Drive (D)

In the gigabyte nvme add in card from the designare board.
2 “scratch disk” (E and F) drives 1 "miscellanious drive (G) as well as a video game (V) drive.

The specific drives types are as follows
Samsung 980 Pro x2 E and F
Seagate Firecuda 520 G drive
WD black sn850x 4tb V drive

Currently i intentionally set the nvme add in card to 3.0 speeds in bios thinking it would eliminate any potential issues but we must remember i have been able to reproduce this lag with just the 2 nvme slots populated on the motherboard with no add in card.

Yes, I’m thinking this is a combination of issues potentially. The 980s are much better than the 990s for the kind of write intensive workloads you’ve shown for sure.

Leave the swap file disabled for now too please while I tinker with my replica

Good thought setting pcie3 mode. That works sometimes. Sometimes not.

Can you try the write copy tests copying only between the two 980 pros?

So far so good, 200gb in, aoris nvme in top slot does work better.

This is gen4 for me too btw.

I have the auros nvme in the second slot. I can move mine to the top slot and i will try copying between the 2 drives. Ill try it and report asap.

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I now have the nvme card in the topmost slot and the 1030 in the second slot then the 4090 in the third. Should be much more similar to your layout. Things are still peforming pretty badly.

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Just had a thought on this, any chance this could be shenanigans related to the IOD or PBO?

I know on my Ryzen system PBO limits being too low causes some weird behavior and IOD settings if not set well by the board could maybe lead to slow performance without leading directly to BSOD/Crashing. I have little experience with asrock bios or TR CPUs but my gigabyte board tends to drastically overvolt the IOD (almost to dangerous levels) and also sets default PBO below the 65w PPT/EDC/TDC normal for my 5600x and i have to change those manually.

Ryzen 3000/5000 (aka zen 2/3) IOD afaik can be sensitive to over voltage and obviously too low can lead to weird behavior

FWIW, attempted this with a SN850x 4tb + a SN850x 2tb on a 5975wx, 256gb, Dell OEM board. Didn’t see slow downs. Way less PCIe saturation that both of your workstations though.

Someone mentioned Windows 10 Ent/Pro for Workstations previously, and I also ran into an issue with something related to file transfers without using Pro for WS specifically. I don’t know how ReFS and NTFS play with each other at the core, but, I know using ReFS completely resolved those issues I was experiencing. ReFS is only supported in Pro/Ent for WS.

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You can reproduce the slowdowns only copying between the two 980 pros? How many watts is your PSU btw?

My psu is the 1600w evga titanium rated psu and i used a corsair 1600 ai to rule out psu problems and was having the same issues with transfers. The 980 pros are both in the nvme add in card. ill test soon, got a it tied up .

I had @KittyNour send me a screenshot of some voltages and such from HWInfo and I need a sanity check if anyone is able to provide one for what is expected of this CPU/Platform.


Looking here the Peak core voltage of 1.050V seems kinda low but perhaps TR CPUs dont hit the usual 1.2v+ you would expect when boosting?

Calculating the PPT/EDC/TDC based on the peaks and % of max seems to indicate that TDC/EDC are set below what ive been able to google of 240A/300A that a 5995wx should be set to for those values but PPT seems to be reporting in the proper 280w range. Im not 100% if the values i found are correct or if this reporting should be trusted but if someone knows the values Itd be nice to know what it should be while here im calculating 180A/240A which is a fairly drastic reduction if my found values are correct.

VSoc looks to be on the high side at 1.181 which while “technically” not bad but if the IOD on TR 5000 behaves anything like Ryzen 5000 you may hit negative scaling over 1.125v VSOC. Im not able to confirm VDDG or VDDP sets from this as i dont see them listed in HWInfo.

Lastely Im not sure if the Frequency Limit - Global is for CPU or IF in HWInfo, if its for CPU i dont believe a max clock of 4GHz is correct and the CPU doesnt appear to be clocking beyond 4GHz according to HWInfo
