ASRock Rack introduces the PAUL! An IPMI PCIe card

So, Poweron is on Aux Panel 1 BMCGPIOD1 and BMCGPIOD3 is the reset out, I will order tomorrow some inveters 74HC04 and test ist with my board.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-28 um 15.15.05

Finally I got reset and poweron working, I habe progged a microcontroller which gets the poweron or reset signal via interrupt und switches the mainboard on.


Thatā€™s why I prefer analog multimeters.

Hi Guys, first off, nice to be here.
I thought I should register and join the Discussion around those PAUL Cards, as Im interested myself in those myself.

A big thanks is going out to @aBav.Normie-Pleb for posting that Link to eBay.
Tbh. with all of you, I am that Seller on eBay and Im selling those Cards. Because I found most of the Topics discussion the PAUL Cards ā€œOverseasā€ (as Im located in Germany) I thought it would be a good Idea to explicitly tell People that we ship internationally.

Glad that worked out, good to see some spreading over the Globe.

I wanted to give you Guys some Background Information regarding the PAUL Cards, because Iā€™ve got a small Update to share.

First off, those Cards can come with a Full Height Bracket. I have two of those Cards with a Full Height in my Stock and im not advertising them because we are using them in our own productive enviorment. I was hoping to get more Brackets in the next Shipment, so that I can offer them with both, the LP and the FP Bracket. I update you if I know more.

Secondly regarding the Pin Out. There is a Quick Installation Sheet Iā€™ve got from my Distributor so I thought I will attach it for the Public. Also I was told that Quote:


But in Order to use that, the Firmware needs to be updated to atleast 1.01.5.
Iā€™ve got a Firmware Update for that, but I did not test it yet. Can someone test it to for us, before I sent it to the Public?

Thirdly, this is sadly the most depressing Part, PAUL Cards will disappear as fast as they came to us. I spoke with my Distributor just a couple of Minutes ago, and ASRock Rack has a very hard time sourcing their required Parts. So the Production of PAUL is completly halted and there is no ETA for the next Batches. my Distributor is already out of Stock and it seems like the few remaining in my Warehouse are the last ones we will see from them in a While, as ASRock Rack said they need to prioritize the production of other SKUs and that (as you already guessed it) PAUL is a pretty uniquie niche product and therefore not very profitable for ASRock Rack.

So FYI, I decreased the Stock on eBay and raised the Price. If anyone from here wants a Card just sent me a Message directly over here, or a Price Offer over eBay and we will do the already beknown Price of 199,22ā‚¬ (which is our original Pricing)

I hope I could shed some Light and Im very sorry that I dont have better News. If it would have been for me, I would just have orderd another 20 or so from my Distributor and happily sold them to everyone. Sadly, which the global Chip Shortage, this is not going to happen for quite a while.

Best regards,


Can you also hook up Clear_CMOS jumper pins from the motherboard somehow?

The idea of this still gives me a raging woodyā€¦ even if it takes some work.


Can you send us the firmware ?

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FYI for US (+Canada?) seekers: NewEgg has them in stock. Trying not to spend extra money right now, but Iā€™m tempted.


I donā€™t know about anyone else but IMO these are way too expensive. There are motherboards at the same price point with integrated IPMI, just doesnā€™t seem like a reasonable value.


If you want a Ryzen build and can get things to work with a X470D4U/X570D4U then obviously go with that. Or can live with a Atom/Xeon D/EPYC 3xxx embedded board, go with that.

I personally had compatibility trouble with a X570D4U+3950X with a placeholder Nvidia 1060 GPU, so ended up going with a desktop board. I have x1 slots to spare and still like the out of band management though, so Paul it might be.

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Iā€™m not saying it doesnā€™t have its uses, otherwise it wouldnā€™t exist. Iā€™m just saying the value is just way out of whack.


I think the price is too much for what it is, because of itā€™s very limited appeal/use.

Uber Niche, kinda.

The PiKVM project though, is also pretty steep for what it is too


Does anyone know how to reset the PAUL AIC in case youā€™re not able to get into the web interface?

I donā€™t have this issue yet, but ASRock Rack finally published the basic quick start manual on their website and Iā€™m not seeing a guide for this procedure.

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Hi Lucas! Just saw this post now, Iā€™m the guy that bought two from you recently from Australia but only got sent one! (Whoops!)

This post is very useful as the quick start guide they have really isnā€™t useful.
Are you also able to elaborate on how the headers would be hooked up if you want to be able to power on and reset the system via the PAUL interface?
GPIO0 + ground for power
GPIO2 + ground for reset
Is this correct?
Does this also mean the physical power and reset buttons on the case are no longer functional or is there a method to have them pass through as well?

Can I also get sent the firmware as well?


Thank you for all the details!

Iā€™m also trying to get the HARD RESET switching and POWER ON/OFF working, but with no luck so far. Can you please share the firmware release mentioned? (or later?)

Thank you for sharing.

Can you please share more details how you got HARD RESET switching and POWER ON/OFF to work?
Is there a reason you didnā€™t go with the inverter 74HC04 solution and chose the microcontroller? I donā€™t have an oscilloscope, but the multimeter shows ~20OHm ā€œshortā€ on both BMCGPIOD1 to GND and BMCGPIOD3 to GND. As you explained it goes high with respective WEB control of POWER ON/OFF and HARD RESET.

Have you tried this firmware? did it make a difference on how the GPIO pins behave?

Iā€™m quite happy with the ASROCK PAUL card, remote ā€œdesktopā€ control working, mouse & keyboard fine, virtual CD fine, but Iā€™m missing the reset and power on/off functionality :frowning:

Hi MilkSupreme,

but you must have gotten your second Card by now, correct?

Thanks you for the Flowers, unfortunately, im just some Dude behind a Desk trying to sell IT Equipment around the Globe. The Time where I had the Freedom to play with whatever I want for how long I want is sadly not given anymore. Therefore I really cant help you a lot with that. I maybe played around with Paul for only 60 Minutes and tested basic capabilities. I didnt hook it up in full, but had a lot of Customers do it (and as far as I know successfully.)

So if Im not completely wrong, the Motherboard Headers for Power and Reset arent there for a continous circle of power, instead they are just ā€œjumpedā€ for a short period of time to send a signal, either for power or for reset.

So if you are working on something that is so basic (thankfully) you would need something like a Y-Cable. One Side to your Case, one to your Motherboard and on the other Side of the Y or wherever you want you should place the Connectors of the PAUL Card.

That should work, atleast in my Head.

I honestly dont have a lot more Infos then you Guys, but what I have is this repository of my own were I save all the Stuff I find about Paul:

Our Distributor sent me sometime last Year this Info, he asked a Technican of ASrock Rack and got this Answer:

ā€œAUX 1 can be used for reset/power buttons
But it needs to update the FW
Connect to GPIOD 0/2 of AUX_PANEL1
GPIOD0 for power on/off
GPIOD2 for resetā€

If i get something new, I would upload it there.



Thank you for these details!

Hey @aBav.Normie-Pleb, did you ever get Secure Boot working with Paul and Windows 10 / Windows 11? Looking to throw this in a Ryzen desktop board for IPMI and was hoping I could still use the remote KVM. The system in question will have a dGPU and Secure Boot enabled for other software compatibility.

Edit: someone posted pics on STH showing compatibility with a dGPU (you have to set the BIOS to use the IPMI card as the primary display adapter and get the Aspeed GPU driver), but they didnā€™t show whether secure boot was enabled on their machine. Curious if the newer firmware allows for it.


Have never tested PAUL with Secure Boot enabled and another dGPU in the system, maybe it works then.

Should be able to test this next week when Iā€™m finalizing a build with a PAUL AIC.

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Great! Do let me know; working on my build now that I have a GPU. What specs are you building?