So I’m trying to find info on the chip itself in my powrbook, though I’m unsure of where to pick up schematics. As well, I’m figuring out what my work environment will need to be to work on the project. Thought it might be a lot more hectic than its turning out to be.
Either way, if anyone has such info on hand, that’d be neat. I mostly want to know what the physical (memory) size of the chip is.
Also bumping into one problem now. With the G5’s its pretty easy to sneak a firmware in because you can just change the files out and bam wing damn. No problema. However looking at the G4 tools on apple’s site, nothing there for FW updaters.
As well, looking into some posts made earlier this year, while theres many gens of AOFW, the releases have nothing to do with the machines, just the generation of machines. Only machines that could get proc upgrades or hardware upgrades that mattered got FW packages, so desktops and the imac G3, really. Haven’t had time to look into it too closely, but since apple tools like that run off .plist files I assume I can just change the configuration and have it work?
It looks like its teh same communications controller in other machines, IE a UniNorth 1E42, however how that thing works is beyond me and the apple firmware doesn’t have the code in place to tell me the physical address, but rather gives me base64 variables that I’m supposed to feed to an apple tool that links up with other things. I’m not quite sure how that tool works, nor do I think I care.
I’d rather just get something going, even if its a rough idea base package. Hell even if its just normal OFW and no edits and I make the edits later.
I’m currently also unsure if I can make multiple edits in a row to the OFW chip, or if it keeps an incremental counter on versions. I assume theres a built in checksumming chip or sector in the UN controller, but IDK. No info on that really.
If anyone has any info, I’d appreciate it.