Are there usb dummy plugs that pretend to be a keyboard and mouse?
Can’t get Chrome RDP to work propperly unless a keyboard and mouse is pressent, so looking to get a cheap usb dummy plug to pretend to be a keyboard and mouse or a software accomplishing the same task.
And no i don’t want to pick up a cheap keyboard and mouse to do this (takes up more space).
The Arduino nano can be programmed to emulate HID devices, including a keyboard or a mouse, not sure it can do both at the same time.
Counterfeit copies are dirt cheap (a few bucks) on the fleabay, or your favorite counterfeit electronics outlet.
The guts of a dollar store mouse are tiny, you could easily put inside the computer case, likewise, the controller board for a keyboard is tiny, go to a recycle center and get a freebie mouse and keyboard, gut them, and problem solved?