Are There Any Violin Tips?

Hello. I have a violin coming in the mail and was wondering if there were any tips that could help me learn how to play it. I have watched a few videos on the subject and bookmarked a few tutorials. I would like to learn how to play classically, but would also like to play fiddle style sometimes. I know a little bit about how to play the guitar, but that is all of the experience I have with playing an instrument.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


Nice you're expanding your musical vocabulary!

My tip to you would be focusing on finger/bow technique on your violin, and learning the music styles (rhythm/meter) on guitar, since you're right now more comfortable playing that.
Of course techniques differ, but the basic thought and rhythm overlap alot between violin and guitar in many styles of music (each have specific roles, but especially the guitar can take on the violin's role with a little transposing.)

When your tone is good and you're comfortable with the violin, it'll be easier to learn odd rhythms, if you can already count them on other instruments.
A lot of the training material you'll come acrross (which isn't pure arpeggios or scales), will be based on some music style or other.

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Thank you for the advice. :) I had not considered using the guitar to help me learn the violin. I can see how that would be valuable in learning style and rhythm.

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@Rustbelt might be able to help a little here... I know he's done some fiddle stuff before