Are higher resolution or larger monitors more prone to backlight bleed?

I’ve been doing some digging into a backlight bleed problem on a new 4K laptop screen I mentioned in another thread (

I seem to be picking up on a trend through that, perhaps, higher resolution screens are more prone to backlight bleed for some reason. This may also apply to simply larger screens (Over 27"?) though that didn’t apply to what I was originally looking at (15.6" laptop screen). I’ve seen a lot of reports of “unacceptable” backlight bleed problems being common (even as much as a 50% occurrence) for even expensive models ($800+). I’ve mostly seen this for IPS monitors though, granted, and I now see a lot of people talk about IPS being prone to this. However, I’ve never seen backlight bleed prior to looking at these larger resolution/size monitors even on IPS monitors (and I did see a stray forum mention somewhere that this seems to not happen below 24").

Considering there are only a few panel makers in the world, maybe it’s just common from one of the companies or something, and maybe they are more likely to make the larger screens. I don’t know at this point.

I have also seen a trend for some of them that indicates the problem is how the panels are mounted, where either clamps are pinching the screens a bit in areas or the bezel isn’t properly covering as much as it should to prevent the extra light bleed appearing, but why that would show up more in high resolution or large size panels I can’t say unless they are simply more sensitive.

Anyone else notice or know something about this?

Manufacturers had to spend a few years to figure out how to produce less backlight in conventional LCDs, but I don’t believe its so much an issue of size, as it is what the public is willing to buy. Most people just look at the resolution and refresh rate or whatever when buying a monitor. Most just want the biggest UHD monitor they can afford and the manufacturers might be tempted to give it to them but, rest assured, there are monitors with less backlight.

Yea, it could be luck of the draw and expected tolerance based on specs or something (people will tolerate more bleed in favor of more pixels or whatever, so manufacturers can expect to get away with that kind of issues a bit more). I just haven’t seen or heard of as many 1080p, 24" or under monitors having so much backlight bleed problems lately, but seems more common in these larger and higher resolution panels.

You might be right, but the prices of giant 40" monitors suddenly dropped dramatically, and it ain’t because wages are going down in China. Personally, I bought a Samsung QLED with double the brightness of an ordinary monitor, 144hz, and 125% of the color gamut so I could finally put an end to all the nonsense. The technology is likely to become the new standard because it is cheap to manufacture and double the nits is the difference between day and night, lending entirely new meaning to “global illumination”.

Backlight bleed has nothing really to do with the panel/pixel tech (TN, IPS, VA), it’s just now more prone to being noticed because LEDs came almost at the same time as the manufacturers brought out more IPS panels. (I’m open to being corrected)
LEDs are way brighter today than CCFLs but also harder to adjust, afaik.
CCFLs can illuminate from more angles than LEDs as there could be 2-4 which wrapped around the whole panel. LEDs on the other hand tend to only be in the corners so they need to be brighter to also be able to illuminate the center.
I’m not an expert on this but I took my fair share of panels apart so I’m open to corrections with some source/s if possible.