Arctic SP3 4u Rack Case Compatibility list

Thanks! That was the photo I was after. Zipties it is then, if I ever receive the cooler. In the mean time I found used Noctua TR4 cooler, I guess that’ll work for now

Here’s my take.
I also strapped 2 zipties at the top of the chassis for extra support


Artic SP3 4U Cooler in a Fractal Torrent Compact case - fits with plenty of room.


Sharing the 3D Printable adapter I made to mount standard 120mm fans to the Arctic SP3 heatsink.

Just barely clears standard sized ECC RDIMMs but you can shift the mount up higher if you need to clear DIMMs with a heatsink.

More info/pics in the link:
Arctic Freezer 4U SP3 120mm fan adapter


Cool, thank you very much! This will be very usefull in case the original fans break.


Confirmed fit in Supermicro SC846 with Supermicro H12SSL-NT systemboard.

You will either need to remove the rear 80mm chassis fans or the rear heatsink fan to fit with this systemboard.


That’s lovely! Thanks for sharing


next I want to try a pair of phanteks t30
PH-F120T30 120mm, I think they might be perfrorming better than the noctua industrials.

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Thanks for this! I had this printed and it was flawless:


I’d be interested to know whether your temperature improved with 3rd party fan or not. Of course, fair comparison at same noise level.

another good option is :grinning:

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Do you have any detail regarding the revised, shorter version of the SP3 4U cooler? How much shorter will it be? Is it already available (some retailers are showing it with ‘Compact’ in the name)?

I have built a server based on a new chassis, and my original Arctic SP3 4U protrudes ~3mm…

Many thanks!

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I’m running the stock fans that came with it. I didn’t felt the need to replace them.
I couldn’t find the fans for the freezer sp3 under the spare parts section of the site.
I have a whole pack of P12 PST fans that I could use as a replacement I think in case one breaks.

Stock fans didn’t have enough RGB for me which is why I replaced them with Corsair Maglevs.

Any one here used new version of this cooler, Freezer 4U-M, which is 7mm shorter than old version? I ordered one yesterday and wondering to know which 4U case to order.

Did you consider drilling new holes bit back to the original ones to fit horizontal support bar? I don’t see a better case than this one in that price range and wondering if a quick fix like moving horizontal bar can fix the issue?

I do have a Fractal Torrent for my build but still prefer 4U case for hot swap storage expansion in coming future.

Co firmed compatible HL15 45drives homelab systems