Application for Windows 10

I’m in search of a free application for remote computer access that works on Windows. I’ve been relying on TeamViewer, but I’ve surpassed the limit, so I need an alternative.
Could you tell me what apps you use?

Maybe WinVNC ?

Google remote desktop? It’s super easy to setup.

Google Remote Desktop doesn’t show UAC prompts.

Maybe something like AnyDesk, Parsec or RustDesk if you prefer something open source.

I’ve used RealVNC, for a small group, normal desktop use, it works pretty well, easy to set up.

I started using it because of a Raspberry Pi, and it’s spread from there.

Windows 10 comes with its own Remote Desktop Services built-in, works great… How to secure access to it is another question; VPN is an option.

I’ve relied on TeamViewer. I heard Windows 10 includes remote access, but saw it requires the “Pro” edition. Since I have the “Home” version, TeamViewer continues to work well for my needs.

Hi! If it’s Windows on both ends, you might want to give Microsoft Remote Desktop a shot. It’s a built-in tool.
Also, check out It’s a free app with no limits.
Alternatively, there’s AnyDesk, but it does have some limits on the free version.

It’s the first time I’ve heard about Helpwire, I hope they release the Linux, iOS and Android versions soon. Thanks for sharing!

I’m not certain about the specific dates but according to the information on the website they plan to add Linux and provide support for mobile systems.