Apple Vs. Windows

I've thought of leaving Windows, but of course I like Gaming and that's where I can get the most performance currently. I'm currently finishing my last semester at school and have mainly used a Mac to get through it. Most of the programming I've had to do for the school anyways was done on their Linux machines since they we're running it on those machines to grade it. Having the Mac was beneficial because it already had a terminal built in for me to use ssh if I needed it. Just depends on your current needs and if you truly want to spend the money to get in the Apple "ecosystem"

Thank you all for your help.

To be clear, I will continue to use Linux for my main system because of the freedom and security that comes with it. However, the programs that I am forced to use for school are only available on Windows or Mac. I hate the thought of dealing with Apples closed wall system again, it is the same reason I stopped using the iphone and the ipad. Apples business model seems to, or at least for me it seems to, focus on forcing software updates for "their" (and I say "THEIR" devices because according to Apple you never own the device you purchase its more of a rental that they can do anything they want with) devices which makes them completely useless inorder to force users to upgrade hardware. However, I am sick and tired of Windows, spying, collecting data, listening to everything and all of the other nefarious activities I don't know about that is going on in the background, not to mention the FREAKING UPDATES. What is updating, why does it update every time I try to use it, why does it do random shutdowns to install updates?

After reading everyone's responses and looking into the options that will fulfill my requirements I think I am going to make the move back to Apple and stop using windows completely unless it is through a VM machine. I don't think there really is a better choice between the two systems, Apple or Windows, I think it comes down to what are you as the end looser willing to tolerate and for me I am not willing to tolerate Windows anymore. Once again thank you everyone for all of your.