Small problem…
Customer has Mac, 2004, and its been updated to OSX 2012…
Given to her after a friend died.
I would love to reset the OS.
She didnt have the Apple KB, So am using PC style.
Iv tried about 6 different ways mentioned on the internet.
Using Win alt R or C and shift…it really dont want to enter recovery mode.
If nothing else, is there a way just to install Linux PPC??
Have a gander at VoidPPC, but if its really needed and capable, I’d be looking at ubuntu mate 1604. Theres not much else that is “Desktop Ready” yet.
Keep in mind there may be issues with hardware acceleration because of old GPU drivers. However if the machine hase PCIe it will accept any up to date GPU. Have to use AMD/ATI if you want the newer stuff though, but a 9800GT or something on nouveau would work too.
I’d recommend in investing in a velociraptor (can be found used easy) or an SSD for boot though, and then a 1TB HDD for /home. As well, get the fastest ram kit you can afford for it. If its DDR1 try to find a 400MHz kit. If DDR2, 800MHz or 1066MHz. It’ll really boost the machine.
Alternatively, OSX 10.5.8 has some improvements from the PPC hacking community. Leopard rebirth, for example, updates the UI and installs a software center similar to the app store, but with PPC software. Theres also a modern PPC OSX browser from runecats, though for some dumbass reason I can’t remember the name. Just look up runecats web browser and you’ll find it.
Also theres an app called monolingual for OSX that strips all the un-needed architecture code out of the system, and apps, as well as strips out the language packs. This also speeds the system up A LOT. GeekBench score difference on my PowerBook G4 was 734 before monoling, and over 900 after.
Lots of info…
But is there way to get to Bios?? or the boot menu?? recovery??
Something tells me, that the OS on it messed up the DVD…
the DVD sits there and does its things, and after a time pops out the DVD (its blank DVD)
I dont know if it can boot from USB, and I have Simple on Flash. and it dont seem to like it booting.
It has a recovery Something prog, but wants DVD I think… But everything Iv read says it can ONLINE restore.
Tahnks ahead of time.
No sure how it works on this machine. With my Powerbook i had to manually boot from USB. Took some fiddling to get it to work. I worked with this SE post:
Took some poking around to find the actual USB and Disk ID’s. Was able to install Debian PPC with that without a Problem. Threw it out eventually though, since i couldn’t get any Graphics Drivers to work with the ATI Rage in it.
That’s all with a G4 though, so could be completely different for you…
I think you might be a little in over your head here.
It is an Apple device so nothing will just work if you are trying to do anything that Apple did not build. You would need to boot into the openboot and tell it to boot from the device that has the bootable media.
There is no uEFI and the BIOS is not a standard PC bios.
Also what is the end goal here. Is there an issue with the OS on it or are you just trying to wipe it and reinstall OSX? I think if you explain what you are actually trying to achieve, we may be able to better help you than just trying to throw a whole bunch of media and boot stuff at you.
Buddy I really don’t know how to say this, your machine has no EFI. Theres no bios, no real menu’s aside from holding the normal keys to get to different options. Such as:
ALT/OPTION = disk / boot select
T = Target Disk Mode (if you have another mac on hand and 10.1-5 imaged you can mount the machine on FW400 and get direct disk access)
I think N gets you network boot?
ALT+Clover+O+F = openfirmware console
in which
if your machine is compatible, and you have linux / osx (10.1-5) on a usb you can do
boot ud:,\\:tbxi
and boot off of a usb stick, IF THE MACHINE IS COMPATIBLE, NOT ALL ARE. Though there are ways to get it compatible, but that also requires OSX.
You do realize you can find osx 10.5 online right. Like its not even hard. I’m not suggesting torrents, its just around on blogs and forums.
Also @ECA nothing over 10.5 has PPC compatibility. So its either linux, or tuning 10.5. Tuning isn’t an issue, its just a process like setting up any other OS.
Also recovery mode was introduced well after the G5’s were out the door. Like by 10.7, which was 2012 or 2011.