Anyone looking to play some CS later? (DMG)

It would be fun to find some people on the forums to queue up with. My sleep schedule is a bit messed up but I'm always on during the night hours (eastern time). Just put your steam ID in the comments and ill add you.

This has nothing to do with the post and I don't like WWE either.

What is eastern time? ;)

Just kidding, but seriously.. what CS do most people play these days. I haven't played since BETA 1.3/1.4 or something.. wouldn't mind getting back into it, but know theres a couple of different versions..

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I'm assuming he plays CS:GO, since he has a rank, DMG = Distinguished Master Guardian or something.

I'm a lowly Nova 4, so meh.

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I think you would enjoy the game if you like competitive FPS's. That's really I can say about it. Fun as hell though.

eagle, i'm down.

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@hoplite I just added you.

@shoes Im down for some counter-strike later. Just let me know which one, if your not playing Global Offensive.

If anyone adds me, just let me know your from the forums in Steam chat.

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Added also.

Hit me up anytime I'm online mate. DMG as well.

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I would love to but I'm a lowly Nova 2 :(

I'll get better, I promise!!

Also my computer is currently in the shop.
After that gets taken care of, though, I would love playing with anyone in the Tek community. Hell, we could run our own team.

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I'm only a Nova Master, but I play with DMGs often. Add me if you'd like