I've been stringing for almost 2 years, and was just wondering if anyone else here spins as well.
Just a wonder :P
Me stringing:
I've been stringing for almost 2 years, and was just wondering if anyone else here spins as well.
Just a wonder :P
Me stringing:
No, but my brother gloves.
been to a few raves... that shit always impresses me.... i can just hold the glowsticks and make some nifty visual effects... but stringing, no. lol
very cool though.
Thats sick mate!!!
I wish I could do that when I use to club (and im talking down and dirty undergound clubs!)
That's awesome! I am (very slowly) learning staff, but I can't really coordinate poi terribly well. Too much happening simultaneously for my minibrain to keep track of >.<
need to see this with fire... and metal!
I do use fire, as well. I haven't been able to get fire poi any time lately, though. Money is a bit tight right now. Although, when I get a pair of fire poi, ill make a video xD
That was nice. Well done but I think I have Bell's Palsy now.lol
xD! Lol
I used to glove and spin at the same time at a club here before it closed down a few years ago, shame, I liked that place.
YAY! *manly hug* Another spinner!
Damn, the Jedi force is strong within this sport
Ive tried that before. Fun fun :)