I am currently holding off until Capcom publishes patches for optimization. I ran the game benchmark several days ago and it crashed on my Nobara Linux.
Someone here told me to turn of some of the more latest GPU technology such as frame gen/FSR and the like to make it run well. I wasnt able to do it because by the time I’ve read the recommended setting tweak, the game has already been uninstalled.
Currently at team it stands at around Mixed Reviews at around 50-60% positive reviews due people complaining about performance and how intensive the minimum and recommended requirements are as well as some multiplayer issues.
The game itself seems fine with people praising it despite the above problems.
I really don’t like console but I’ve read reviews on steam that console performance is actually smooth and good. Its kind of annoying to hear when you have significantly better specs on your PC. Maybe Denuvo has something to do with it.
I have been playing it on Windows at 1440p and have been enjoying it quite a bit. There is some speculation that the game has a memory leak and is causing crashing. I haven’t experienced that, but I am also running a 3090 and was seeing 20gb of vram usage at some points when the settings screen was telling me to expect around 6-7gb of usage.
There were also some speculation that there are some edits you can make to the config.ini file on Windows here (steam community thread) and here (reddit thread). But it also seems to be placebo for some as well.
I also moved the game over to my optane boot drive and saw better loading times and less stutter. So while it is very unoptimized*, it is a fun game for me.
The typo is confirmed to not work, but the thread optimizations will probably work. So increasing the thread count from 8 to whatever max number of active threads your processor supports will provide some minor benefits
I did notice my Proxmox VM every so slowly filling up with RAM up to 85% with the pre-release benchmark and it keeps going up even when the game was closed so that may be one of the cause of the performance issue.
I understand that the financial situation is bad but lets spread more misery around, am I right?
I’ve been playing it on pc [7900X3D + 4080] and have only had one crash. it does seem to eat a lot of ram, I have 32GB which 16-20 gets used in total while playing, so maybe 12GB by itself, but I haven’t had the horrid facial bugs doing the rounds and get about 80 fps with DLSS on Quality. I usually turn that off immediately, but eh. The character models in close up real time [during non-cinematic cutscenes] aren’t mindblowing and they jitter sometimes for no reason, but idk what people expected. Until PC exclusives come back, you’re always going to have these absurd ports that are optimised for the barely scraping by “”“”“4K”“”“” framerates for consoles, and Dragon’s Dogma still is pretty bad at the frames in the main area.
It’s a fun game though, definitely less technical than World. your Temu Chocobo means you can have two weapons at a time, and you can call it even while downed to come pick you up in a fight, meaning you can chug potions while it autoruns around the monster. Definitely less complexity but it’s very possible to just play solo now and not have to block out 30-40 minutes to bowgun down a single monster without being able to pee or pause, which you can now do if you set the online settings to solo.
overall I would go on isthereanydeal and pick it up if you’re at all interested/think you can run it. It’s Capcom, they aren’t going to do any massive optimisation passes, this is just console to pc ports in current year, so.
It runs buttery smooth for me on my system. I’m using the High Res Texture Pack.
CPU: AMD 7950X
OS: Linux - OpenSuse Tumbleweed
DE: KDE Plasma 6
Steam Proton Experimental (default launch configs)
Game Settings on Ultra
FSR 3 = On (for anti-aliasing only)
Framegen = Off (don’t need it)
Upscaling = Native
Monitor = 1440 @ 60 Hz
FPS capped at 60
V-Sync = On
I barely drop below 55 FPS in heavy scenes or when loading in new objects until everything is there.
Only real issue is poor VRAM management. It tends to slowly fill all the way up and once I hit 24 GB used my system as a whole starts to stutter. Fast traveling to another biome either manually or via mission start will unload the current area before loading in the new data. Also using the REST feature in the Tent will have the same effect. Once I finished the main story and got past all the cut-scenes the issue is more manageable.
Interesting side note about the in-game VRAM calculation is that it will double tally how much VRAM the game is using. The game reports how much it thinks it’s using in yellow, and the rest of the system as gray. However, the actual game’s VRAM is also reported in the gray value. So I will occasionally see 30/24 GB VRAM utilization. (It’s actually closer to 24 GB used as reported is the OS monitoring tools external to the game).