Anyone have any experience with the MessageFiler add-on for Outlook?

Source: MessageFiler for Outlook
Type: Add-in installed through Outlook app.

On my Mac, I use a very simple helper app in Apple’s Mail to get a popup window with a searchable list of all my mailboxes and their folder so I can file mail quickly. (So, if I need to move a message from my inbox to a folder nested 15 levels down, I can just press the keys to pop up the search window, and start typing the name of the folder. It filters down as I type, until I see the folder I need, then I just hit enter and the message moves.)

I’m looking for the equivalent for my Windows Outlook install, and this was the first thing that came up when I googled. I’m curious if anyone has any experience with it, or with this company. I’m wary of just installing a random thing I found on the internet.

(That said, I didn’t realize all the add-ins were in a “store” maintained by Microsoft, so that makes it seem a bit safer.)

Any feedback on this helper or any other tools that do the same thing would be greatly appreciated.
