I recently got a PS Vita for Christmas (the Borderlands 2 bundle) and I have to say, I'm really enjoying it. It feels really nice to have two analog sticks on a handheld, although I really did enjoy the thumb nubs on the original PSP. My question is why isn't Sony advertising for this system? While I don't own a PS4, I've heard many others say that the remote play feature is excellent, even worth the price of the system. That being said, I've only played a couple of games on the VIta so far (Binding of Isaac and Guacamelee) and I'm loving them. What other games are the rest of you Vita owners playing? Which type of system do you have, the 1000 series or the slim version?
I have the original 3g, I play just about everything from minecraft to resistance: retribution. I will say that it definitely doesn't get much hype for what it is. Sony will probably discontinue it because of the sales. Features are being removed like youtube and maps. I purchased mine because I was a psp owner and I was excited about modding the vita and using it to control things or even run linux. Now I can just use my jailbroken iphone to ssh into boxes and use bash on the go.
I got the original one at launch. Its sitting on my desk right now actually. I occasionally will play need for speed on it which was a really well done game. I also own killzone mercenary which was disappointing. Borderlands looks like a pretty good game for the vita which I may pickup to play next time I have a longer flight. I also have a ps4 and can personally say that the remote play feature was disappointing. The ps4 is in my room with me and I've tried playing in bed with the vita streaming games from the ps4. It's been pretty laggy and inconsistent over the 10ft gap. If I'd had the option to pick up the Nvidia shield at the time then that would have been my choice 100%. Sadly I think the vita will be the last handheld I will buy if they do even make another.
I was a previous owner of a PSP, and I've also had a Vita before it broke the 1000 Model to be exact. and honestly i enjoyed playing it. in fact i played it much more often than my 3DS majorly just to play Persona 4 Golden (I recommend this if you want an excellent JRPG) and Mortal Kombat, which i am a die-hard fan of, i've played Mortal Kombat since the very first one.
I'm still debating if i should grab a new one mainly because Sony hasn't truly shown us that they give a shit about the vita. which i was highly disappointed in Sony for that regard, the Vita had so much potential.
most of the Vita's failure is all Sony's fault, the lack of first party games the lack of exclusives, the features that were offered that no developer really used, "what game uses the damn touch-pad on the back of the vita?" besides Black Ops which sucked. and also lack of advertising.
i don't think the vita is ever going to come back to light but with games that i've played i majorly played
- Persona 4 Golden
- Mortal Kombat
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSOne Classic)
- Persona 3 Portable
- Persona 2
- Persona
Basically just a bunch of PSOne Classics.
I know that the vita is hard to mod, but apparently someone in the mod community (the Zett?) found a way to create custom bubbles on the latest firmware
The slim is decent. I never owned the original model, but from what I could tell from the ones they have on display in stores, the new Vita's LCD screen is a little bit less vibrant. On the plus side, some of the buttons are larger and easier to access, and battery life is actually pretty decent. I'm waiting on a couple of titles (J stars and Toukiden). I would personally think the new model is a good choice if you're into JRPGs.
I tried borderlands on the vita, and it's a pretty shit port in my opinion. From what I've experienced, there is quite a bit of lag, although it's up to you what you want to tolerate.
Now, you said killzone was disappointing. I'm curious about your opinion, as I've heard that was a well-received game.
I've been following it, look at wololo.net if you want the latest updates on modding. I even ran a custom firmware for a while but then gave up on it because I wanted to get new games and use netflix.
I have one of the 2000 models. I'm currently searching for a good grip attachment because it makes my wrists hurt to play with it.
It's been my first Sony console since the original PS1 and it will very most likely be the last one. I hope the Japanese start to port more games to PC until the next thing comes out.
that's primarily how i looked at the VIta now, a JRPG platform. I've seen about 6 or 7 JRPGs games, that peeked my interest, besides most of the Collection games like Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter.
- Sword Art Online (hopefully it gets an English Port)
- Final Fantasy 10 Collection
- Trigger Happy Havoc
- Conception II
- Akiba's Trip
- Dragon's Crown
- Soul Sacrifice
I have a whole bunch of PS+ games, Killzone, Persona 4, One Piece: Pirate Warriors, and Final Fantasy 10 HD,
Persona is fucking awesome on the Vita, Final Fantasy 10 is great if you can handle the main character being a little bitch and the first 1/5 of the game being a generic chore, Killzone Mercenary is a damn impressive game for a handheld and it has some decent multiplayer and replay value, One Piece is a good game.
I want Soul Sacrifice Delta really badly and Velocity 2X is a VERY addictive shooter. Dragon's Crown is good for beat em ups, I hear Injustice: Gods Among Us is an amazing port, Metal Gear Solid Collection, Terraria is an alright port, Minecraft is a decent port as well, Borderlands 2 fucking sucks on Vita (the framerate is god awful and unplayable).
This one looks promising
I've only played a couple of the final fantasy games (1 and 2). How does 10 differ in terms of gameplay?
it's arguably the best one that came out for PS2. it later got remastered and released for Vita. nothing's really changed except for the graphics.
Just a side note: Tearaway did use the back touch-pad, and it was pretty interesting. It pushes a finger through the game world, at specific points.
I've never been much for JRPG, but i feel i really ought to try person 4.
The vita is definitely a bit of a sad state. Definitely feels abandoned.
I do want to get some PSOne games that I missed out on though.
Freedom wars is the only recent release that looks appealing to me.
i had a vita, but wound up trading it in for a 3ds. which to be honest is a shame because the system has so much potential. one of the big drawbacks is that the app support for it sucks. when i had mine (got it october 2012, and traded it july 2014) the facebook app would try to open facebook links like pictures in the web browser which was slower and constantly required a login. this was very annoying, because i actually tried to replace a cell phone with this device. i found that i was using facebook more than calling or texting so i didnt want to spend money on a phone when i could get the same functionality (in my case at least) from a device that i was carrying anyways. i would just connect to whatever open wifi network was available at the time (i live in a major city so free wifi was never more than a block away).all of the "essential" apps were buggy as shit. i also happen to live in canada so it gets really cold here. i dont know if this was just a defect of mine but anytime the temperature was below 5 celcius (2/3 of the year here) the screen just wouldnt properly recognize touch input making it useless outdoors (waiting for a bus), and took time to warm up indoors (on the bus). this made the device lose most of its appeal simply because i couldnt use it when i needed it. when it was working though it was great. being able to play games like persona 4 golden anytime anywhere or playing black ops declassified (i got that bundle) in a coffee shop or mcdonalds was really nice. not being able to use it outdoors from september to june was a nightmare, and the buggyness of the apps made me ditch it for a pokemon machine. i think sony should have just used a custom android OS that could port the apps. would have been less buggy and cheaper for the devs of those apps. i think the vita is a great machine, but has really poor software, and at the end of the day its software that makes or breaks a device.