Any tips for fixing cracks in cell phone body?

I have a small crack in the body of my phone which runs right next to the power button. I want to avoid it getting any worse, but I’m not sure what to use. I thought of some kind of epoxy or JB weld, but since it’s so close to the power button I don’t want to accidentally weld my power button in place. Any ideas for how I can fix this? I’m pretty sure the body is plastic.

Annoying! And metallic is hard to fix invisibly.

When you are repairing fine cracks in house wall plaster, the first step is to make the crack bigger so you can get a useful amount of repair material into the crack and give a long lasting repair. Some careful dremel or small file work to open the crack would allow you to see what you are gluing, and get a good amount of glue/epoxy in.

If that is too much, perhaps trying to force the crack open a little by carefully bending the phone, then rub or push Sugru into the crack.

Be bold! Phones are pretty durable. And a repair is a badge of honour, so be proud of it like the Japanese were with their plate repairs with gold.

You could also just try to seal the crack against water ingress with a thinner repair liquid such as clear nail polish. Again try to gently bend the phone to work the nail varnish in a little.

Or buy a case and don’t worry about the crack.

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I’ve done a bit of research on your nail polish suggestion. I’ve seen some people complain that it works for a few weeks but then cracks and breaks off after a while. Not sure how reliable that information is though. Maybe if I get a really fine toothpick I can force epoxy into the crack. I don’t think I have a steady enough hand to widen the crack out.

I suspect that would be the case with nail polish. Def not durable.

Toothpick can work well. These kind of jobs often need us to make our own tools.

I don’t have a steady hand either, the thing I have learned from watching others who are good at repairs or craftspeople is just to take it really slow. Do a bit, assess. Do a bit more, assess. And jobs often look awful mid way through, but come together in the finishing. Taken me 20 years to learn this though :confused: Good luck.

I would use a bump case, and literally not worry about it

I personally like Spigen, but there are many cases, I normally get them off ebay or such

Not sure of your phone, but they do a bunch