I just bought a cheap promo Nitro RX 580 and it will go into my kids’ PC soon. The smaller ones are too young for most emotions in games (girl 7, boys 5, 3).
So far they mostly play on Linux “Fish fillets”, “Potato Man” and my daughter plays Hangman.
Sometimes the emotions in “Fish fillets” are still too much for my middle son, so I need to be very careful.
However, I had to buy a game to try out this RX 580 and while browsing I found the “Discovery Tour” modes of Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odissey. My daughter has been crazy about Cleopatra and Egipt for a few months now, so, they were available as a pack and I bought them.
So far, I’m very impressed at how educationally oriented the games are, and the effort that went into it, even though in many cases they fail a bit. The info is not suitable for kids the age of mine. It still feels like an FPS. It’s a pity that you can’t interact with people, do some shopping, arrange your own home, it all feels only like a set. It’s completely uneducational (but very american) to see statues with nipples hidden behind shells (teaching kids to see it in a wrong way from an early age).
Still, after some discussion with my wife, we did a trial evening and … it didn’t went too wrong.
Now, the question is: I was so surprised to find these two games, are they any more like this? That is games combining both good 3D graphics and some educational value?