Any good SNAPRAID setup / maintenance guides?

Does anyone here use SnapRaid + MergeFS? I’m looking for any good setup guides that explain how to set this up.

I have been testing Unraid for the past weekend and while it seems simple and robust for the $60 license; I kind of would like to use SnapRaid for its checksum protection.

There’s OpenMediaVault with a SnapRaid plugin which I have setup on a test VM on proxmox but haven’t really found a succinct and easy guide to follow to set this up; most of the guides out there are for OpenMediaVault 5.x (latest is 6.0) so there seem to be some differences.

This guy has set it up (but doesn’t go into the nitty gritty details): What's On My Home Server? Storage, OS, Media, Provisioning, Automation - YouTube

I use snapraid and mergerfs (I think). It’s pretty straight forward to set up and I think the snapraid website has good documentation for how to use it. But basically you define your data and parity disks in the config file and then just run snapraid sync as frequently as you need to (I run it daily). You can run snapraid scrub to scrub the data to check for errors, by default it scrubs the oldest 10 or 20 percent but this can be defined in the command. I use the default and run scrub weekly.

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I can’t vouch for the info being up to date, but these are the guides that helped me.

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thank you both. Going to consume these over the weekend :slight_smile: