Any cheaper PCIE 4 to four NVME non-bifurcation cards?

Im looking for a card like this:

But only need 4 drives instead of 8 (yes I know they have a 4 card version but it isnt on amazon) and really more towards the $200-300 price point instead of $650+ price point. Anyone know of some alternatives?

Try this one

The ASUS card is for bifurcation, requiring host system support.

There’s a running thread on STH with options that have PCIe switches on board:

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Thanks. I looked at their links and they are all pcie 3. I asked for help in that thread too just to see if anyone knows of other products.

I know it’s frustrating, but such a thing can’t be had for such a price currently.

You’re effectively asking for a PCIe switch chip and competition has pretty much ceased in that space, after M&As of all players, resulting in prices that are still squeezing the (mostly enterprise storage) customers to pay for the M&A rally: they don’t give alms to consumer beggars.

Just to highlight: the IOD in a Ryzen 5000 is essentially a multi-protocol switch that will also do PCIe 4.0 and 24 lanes. You can get that with 6 “free” CPU cores attached for a little more than a hundred bucks, but “the firmware” is missing to use it as such and nobody sells a plug-in board to match…

Ya, I guess I was just hoping there would be somebody out there with a card at a decent price. Highpoint and Broadcom even in their PCIE 3 variants are still “server brand name” cards and are very expensive, but you can get a Chinese brand pcie 3 card for $100-200. I was just hoping there would be someone out there using something like an ASMedia switch chip or something that would be the same situation for PCIE 4 cards but I guess we arent at that point yet.

I wanted to use four 2TB drives but I only have slots with 8x lanes in them, so I guess ill either have to drop down to just using two 2TB drives or wait on doing this another year and hope for a cheaper PCIE 4 variant to be available at that point.

As couple posts i read, the <supposed< gen4 speed is quite a non event. Try to move file from those high gen4 and you get the drop of speed directly as : they are simply running a flash transfert. once it fill, then you get the slow 1.2gigs as quite normal and way below gen3 standard.
Plx card do work perfectly, they are simply the same as a Usb hub. chip switch faster than the cpu chipset access.

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