[answered] Very stupid m.2 question

Hey. It's probably really stupid question, and the answer most likely is "it's fine", but I need to ask to be sure...
So there is this connection, called M.2... Now as far as I know there are two types of M.2... SATA and pci-e... Now nvme is as far as I know a pci-e type... So...
Does an m.2 nvme plug support an m.2 SATA drive? Meaning can I plug a SATA drive into an NVME slot, or there is a difference?

The difference is in the key (the notch) and the wiring. An M.2 slot might be wired as both PCIe and SATA, but that depends on the manufacturer.


So it is possible for it to be pci-e only and not supporting sata interface?

Yes, check on the manufacturer specsheet.

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Thank you... The boards aren't out yet. I just wanted to check cause I have some sweet sata m.2 deal, but I guess I'm not getting it now...

Almost all regular length M.2 slots (M.2-2280) are wired for SATA and PCIe. Looking at the motherboard you said you liked in the AM4 Motherboards thread that is definitely an M-key M.2 slot, which is wired for both PCIe and SATA.

EDIT: Arstechnica article on M.2 for reference (chart about 2/3 way down): http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/02/understanding-m-2-the-interface-that-will-speed-up-your-next-ssd/

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I think I'm going to hold on for some official specs... Asrock are not saying anything in their official website, and I don't really want to get the ssd and be unable to use it...
But that answers my question...

The mobo guide will tell what it supports.

I made the mistake of buying a PCI-E m.2 for it not to be recognized by the board. I had to read the super small print in the guide to see that it only supports SATA connections.

M.2 is a fantastic technology. It's been awesome for me so far.