Anime Culture Club

I’ve only seen the first 8. Solid stuff.

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ohh shit ive only seen the 4… SWEET MORE CONTENT!

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There gonna be an OVA of that?

Well then…

I don’t know how he got all of that from this movie, i hated it. I didn’t want to but i felt all the characters where just so damn bland. Sure the dying girl is your typical cute energetic type but they feel almost calculated for mass appeal. In fact the whole story feels that way almost as if no emotion was put into it.

You cray. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I definitely didn’t get all that which gigguk was talking about, but next time I watch it I’ll have more to think about.

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One of my favorite Studio Ghibli films are going to be in theaters the next 2 days.


Not saying you can’t enjoy it, just that you should feel bad for doing so…



Printed on opposite sites of the same page. When you hold it against the light it becomes complete.


I’ve seen that trick before in a manga, the scanlators included the combined image.

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That’s sweet!

I’m officially retiring from actively pursuing and watching new anime.

It seems like in this past decade the quality of anime has sunk. I’m not saying all of it is bad. There are gems but its a tasks. So… I decided I’m not going to play the game anymore.

Manga though not as hard thankfully.

I’m in the process of buying anime that I enjoyed.

Does this mean I won’t watch any new anime? Well I watch the series I have queued and enjoyed. But then it’ll end up like I am with comics.

I officially have been retired from comics for eight years. I stuck with indies though and do buy trades of stories I liked but I have no idea what is going on in the current state of Marvel or DC and honestly I don’t care.

Basically I’ll be watching but it’ll be far more critical and selective than it has been.


I understand where you’re coming from, while i can’t completely detach myself from seasonal anime I’ve become far more picky with what i spend my time on.


I pretty much have. Maybe I will watch 1 show a season now but even then I don’t care until there is some episodes built up then I end up finished it in small parts.

  • Genus (Season 2 upgrades)
  • Iron Man (Mark 85)

0 voters


The game is back on!

I got the 2nd volume of Kino’s Journey The Beautiful World [Camera Phone]:

I’m looking forward to reading it.


Just got Your Lie In April manga along with the novel today and for me this series was kind of bittersweet, but has some good moments throughout the manga and anime.

Decided to stop being lazy and got the other bookshelves for storing the collection. Looks pretty damn nice lined up along the wall and I have them designated to different types. Starting from left to right: two bookcases for manga, one for LNs, and the last one for anime and other large box stuff that really should have its own spot.

Book Shelf Project

Not completely done with it yet as I still have some more shelves to add, but those are set to the side for now until I accumulate enough to fill up the other parts.