Anime Culture Club

okie lel

all i saw was the first one where you clearly see him slide down the throat(the video above)

so least some kinda continuity error i suppose?(in that you see him fairly clearly slid waay farther than what he could reach in this later video, then hes just back up in the mouth, or maybe the thing just waited so long he was able to climb back out a giant pit filled with stomach acids or something

He has replied in this thread twice.

Lol thatā€™s what I said I was doing, but also season 3 is done and 4 is coming out now so I can just grind through season 2 if itā€™s that bad.

Wow, so far this looks really pretty.

This is actually looking like it is going to be pretty good. I really liked the first episode.

When your GF finally asks you to eat her out


The Dead Island Trailer music killed it in a good way!

I donā€™t remember that last scene with FMA, was that the train station scene where he leaves?

No clue, been a damn good while since I have seen it.
Never watched Brotherhood either.

Iā€™ll roam through your macrocosm if you know what I mean




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Is there any anime similar to the dark knight trilogy? Not like to what it is but to like how it is done and what not like idk how to explain it but just similar to it?

Like a dark super hero story?

I guess

One that kinda fits the
ā€œBecause heā€™s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right nowā€¦ so weā€™ll hunt him- because he can take it, because heā€™s not a hero. Heā€™s a silent guardianā€¦ a watchful protectorā€¦ a Dark Knight.ā€

Well the better you can explain what youā€™re looking for the easier it is to help.

So an anti hero basically?

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Code Geass

Darker than Black

Hellsing Ultimate


Ready for R3?

Nope, when does that launch?