Android Tablet Comparable to Apple

I’m not an Apple fan by any means, but I am having problems finding an Android tablet with the longevity or build quality of an iPad. I’m looking to get something that will last a few years and can withstand the wrath of a toddler from time to time. Reliability is the most important thing here, family IT support is exhausting… Any suggested devices, or should I get over my Apple aversion and get an iPad?

I’ve only ever owned Samsung Galaxy Tablets.

You may indeed have to just bite the bullet and get an iPad and have them sign up with an Apple account and let them deal directly with Apple Support etc…

They will be located within a walled garden but many peeps don’t seem to mind that and it takes them off your FAMILY SUPPORT PLAN moving forward.


@EniGmA1987 thanks for sharing the Google pixel tablet link. Now I know what to replace my Samsung Galaxy tablet with when it die’s.

I’ll have to check out the pixel tablet, good suggestion!

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