AMD Zen Preview 13th Of December

Mark up your calendars, stock up on Mountain Dew and Cheetos, on the 13th AMD is hosting a live stream called "New Horizon" for a sneak peak on the brand spanking new Zen CPUs which is set to launch in Q1 2017.

Are you excited?


Well I'm certainly looking forward to it (Zen). I don't know if I'm going to watch the livestream though, I'll propably just read a synopsis.


I would like, dear people, to focus your attention to the only thing, that will happen on that stream...

That is literally the only promise they give you. If you are expecting pricing, availability, benchmarks, comparisons in actual gaming framer or whatever, you will be severely disappointed.
Don't hype yourselves.

PPD is a Doto player,but IDK is Dota CPU intensive or not.

You are just salty HalfLife 3 is scheduled for 2037, aren´t you? /s

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God damn it, they delayed it again? It was 2035 last time i checked...


First release proprietary Linux drivers for RX 4x0 (other than Ubuntu and RHEL)?
If AMD can't get drivers out for a GPU, they are not suited to go more complex.
AMD's ways are like mystery meat.

Nope not excited untill Wendell himself has it in the office.
Also i´m pretty dissapointed that we have not seen manny AM4 motherboards pictured yet.


I can't help but be excited, I've been a bit of an AMD fanboy waiting for then to pull something new like the first 939 socket chips the athalon 64 and x2's which kicked so much ass. But after being dissapointed so many times its hard to really get my hopes up until I see some independent benchmarks. Tbh if it just doesn't suck that'll do.

Switch Hype!

Damnit, it's like that new Zelda game, always getting delayed. That game was suppose to be for 2015!

Sweet. I'm debating whether or not to take the risk of buying one of the SR7's when they first come out. If I do, I'll try to make some posts on how it performs.