AMD Workstation Cards in Linux

Hi guys,

I am just looking for guys with experience running AMD workstation class cards in Linux. What is your experience? What is setup? Do you run some games on it as well? Do you have 7 screens running?

I am considering getting a workstation card later this year for some improvement to workflow - I dont need one to be honest, but considering the option.

Let me know thanks!

I use one of the very low end card for my Linux OS (arch) as I’m always running passthrough VMs. No complaints and it does things like YouTube without a hitch.

Having more than 3 displays will be a hoot but everything else will work.

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I’m running a Radeon Pro WX 3100 in Ubuntu and, well, it works. Performance is about what you would expect from a scaled down RX 550. Most of the AMD workstation cards use the same GPUs as their gaming equivalents except with slightly fewer compute units and/or lower clocks, so gaming on them shouldn’t be a problem.

The main difference to their consumer cards are the drivers (and ECC if applicable), but since the Linux drivers are a stripped down version of the Windows ones, you won’t get to use of most of the “professional” features.

Multi monitor support in Linux isn’t the greatest, regardless of the GPU you’re using, so GLHF.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, does provide some insight

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