Hey has anybody had the issue I am having with the Ubuntu amd fglrx drivers.. version 14.12 (14.501.xx.x.x.x) This didnt happen one version ago before fglrx-updates
My monitor keeps underscanning for some reason.. Like its a somewhat smaller box in the middle of the screen and I can overscan but it fruken RESETS every reboot and wont stick.. SO i reinstalled the driver and purged it like a ubuntu forum place said and it still does it.. Ubuntu gurus help.. I am experienced but I cant seem to figure out whats happening? My other monitors are fine... its just this old HP 27 inch monitor thats not working right and is for some strange reason listed as a TV because its on an HDMI port?
Yes I was root... and reboot keeps having the AMD driver ovewrite my settings according to the logs... which is strange?? Maybe someone has some insight?
Go to the settings manager and go to AMD catalyst control Centre under hardware Display manager --> DTV (or whatever it is for you) --> adjustments --> under scaling options slide slider to 0% Apply.
Okay I got the settings to stick.. I prevented the driver from having write permission and ill edit from the command line later... If I need to update it I will make sure that it has write permission again when it needs too... ISSUE SOLVED
Yup.. revoked the driver daemons permission to write... Which unfortunatley makes me need to get the settings right permanently so I do not have to edit the Prefs via the command line.. Im sure there is an easier fix but Im fruken frustrated.. so Im going to be the evil dictator of my computer. haah hahahahahah! (evil laugh) LOLs
I should note I am using 15.04 Vivid Vervet (well testing.. on a small tiny miniscule partition so I can nuke it when Im tired of Ubuntu because it SUCKS.. JK.. Ubuntu VIVID is shaping up to be pretty darn nice)
Mixes better than NVIDIA.. ^^^^ Nvidia is a word that should be blacklisted lols...
No im not switching to Ubuntu ..Im incredibly experienced with linux I have been on LINUX for a VERY long time and I dont see anything but linux.. distros mean nothing to me at this point.. My favorite one is opensuse and its my permanent install.. I just like nuking ubuntu for the sake of screwing it up so bad (maily cuz its bleeding edge..).. because its so easy to screw up... Opensuse is almost always recoverable.. HAHA
oh ghfosjfd I cant type.. thats why I dont like ubuntu.. I used it as my first distro once... always disliked it... Tried all the distros (trust me on all) stuck to open suse... Cant get away from it...
NOW if only i could decide on a desktop.. Gnome or KDE... got them both installed.. every few hours i switch.. thats where i am trully most fickle
Though I admit.. 15.04 GNome is earning me back a bit to earn its self more space on its partition :D haha
I strongly dislike unity... Not because of spyware reasons but for its lack of amount of customization that i get with other environments... but its FANTASTIC for new users that really need something easy and I think they have done that best...
You will find a lot of people on here hailing ubuntu as the god send distro.. it isnt so always be daring to go into something better and more advanced like Opensuse and Fedora...
AMD drivers are never choppy what video card are you running
I swear a ubuntu fanboy or busybody is going to come on here and troll by quote every bad thing I said about ubuntu (happened on the gnome is ugly post) haha
Unity tweaker adds some nice custom-ability options. Still wish it had some more though, I miss being able to customize the shit out of my desktop back when ubuntu still ran gnome 2.