AMD stock on the rise, "best day in 40 years"

Should have gotten more shares when they were cheaper, damit!

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This explain a lot. Yesterday I was downloading Ubuntu 16.04 after years not trying any Linux and id see AMD64 as option, now I understand why. Always learning.

You need to be 18
Just sayin


Shortly after Zen comes out you guys can have my stock since I plan on selling:)

A little over a tear ago there was a thread "does any one own AMD stock" and I found out ROFL is not a stock market term.

This is also great news to Chinese military ambitions in the Pacific Rim

AMD struggled a few months ago to stay over $2 and today it closed at $3,99... 52,29% increase for one freaking night...

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I have often noticed a PR war in my newsfeed regarding amd news

there would be a surge from some good news and then all of a sudden my newsfeed would be flooded with anti amd news

the cynic in me has always seen this as deliberate :D

... but I am more than a little paranoid

This is why.

And here.

And here.

Look at the comparison on the lower right. Intel lost 1%

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So then intel is finished?

Lol, very doubtful, just doing a change up.

Yes, x86 was licensed from Intel to AMD but was 16 bit with a 32 bit extension. Then AMD created AMD64 (= x86_64 = x64) which was built as an extension for the existing x86 instruction set to perform 64 bit operations. Intel built IA64 (Intel Architecture 64 bit) but that thing was crappy and therefore AMD gave them a license to use their AMD64 instruction set. AMD64 is used by Intel and AMD and therefore you will find a lot of Linux packages with amd64 in their names to clarify that this package is not for IA64 systems.


No, but it's not all sunshine and roses anymore.

Google is looking to switch from Intel to Qualcomm for their data centers, ARM is winning in mobile and now Chinese companies are beginning to use AMD. Then there's AMD's next gen APU which is supposedly very power efficient and they offer better graphics than intel so that might hurt them a bit as well in laptop market. Intel will simply have to drop the monopoly game and be more competitive. Which is good for us because prices will drop.

i was always wondering why it said amd64 on programs and stuff cheers :D

Yea for years there were always carefully timed Intel news articles right after AMD losses. Remember when they said AMD won't do no more Desktop CPUs? Then there was a few intel pieces later. What you know AMD maded 3-4 more desktop CPUs. Also when they said they were moving to servers only, same crap. Finally with Intel layoffs AMD finally got 2 good pieces on Intel. As for laptops in general haven't seen strong demand or as durable, as back in the 2000-2007 era. They're all the same and almost on par with tablets now. In fact, it's actually better to have a tablet right now than laptop, unless you do CAD or word processing.

well it rose because their loses where less than expected.....

honestly we will have to wait and see with their next gen of silicon.

LOL ITANIUM. My teacher in college for networking said we might possibly, if we're lucky and the planets align, encounter an itanium server in the wild. That was 4 years ago. I have yet to see one.

I was think of buying stocks in something this month if this is the start of something than easy money.... maybe in 15 years time

I read stuff like this, and there are some analysts, that predicts 10$ stock price by the end of next year, so may be not in 15 years time...
Edit: there are also analysts, that predicts bankruptcy, so yeah...

Given that Intel is willing to put good PR for front of laying off its best talent in arab countries kind of hints even if AMD are becoming strength to strength, intel products are still going to suffer in the next few years, like from high level bridge to water sorts of distances

damn why do i never buy before that happens