This is my first post on here not sure if I should of put this in inbox.exe.
Will mostly be using this pc for gaming and want to get the most smoothest game at highest settings. I play games like diablo3, bioshock, darksouls, skyrim, starcraft2 and would also like to play any new games coming out with out a skip or lag would be nice. Will also be playing all my games at 1920x1080 1080p
Im gonna be building a new pc in a few weeks and I came across a video by tech of tomorrow with the gtx 760 in sli
I want to know if I would get around the same performance running this in a amd setup with the 8350 cpu? was looking at getting the evga gtx 760 superclocked
Would be building it with these parts. had the ps left over from a old build so im using it.
Kinda irrelevant, but depending on what games you play 2 760's is not overkill. For instance in a month or two I plan to pick up another 760 so I can push a 120Hz monitor at 1080p.
I figure by the time 1440p is cheap and common I will grab a 120Hz panel and another pair of GPUs.
You will be fine with the 8350, you're fine with PCIe gen 2.0, you're fine with the amount of power you have.
But what you need to know is that the refresh rate (Hz) of your monitor may restrict your GPU performance value. Strongest bit of advice I can give, find out your refresh rate. 60Hz will be bad for 760 SLI. You would be close to maxing out the panel with just a single 760.