[AMD/RADEON] Navi NextGen™ GPU Rumors & News TINFOIL HAT Edition

Going by this table:

The highend is shit, so I am just going to pretend it does not exist.
RX 3080 - $180 less and 40W more for RTX 2070 performance is a damn good deal.
RX 3070 - $200 is the RX 580 price point, right? So 25 to 40% higher performance and the same power and price is also a good step.
RX 3060 - Ruler of “low end” machines, pair that with an R6 1600 and you get a competent gaming machine for $550

AMD should do an RX 3080x2. I would pay 600€ for that.

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AMD Navi 20 Missing GPU Clock Targets, Rumor Alleges – Thermals and Powers Reportedly Very Bad

The more interesting thing came in light this week in the AMD50 investor presentation which confirms that a Datacenter variant of the Navi GPU, aimed at Cloud Gaming platforms, will be ready by Q3 2019, the same time consumer based Radeon Navi GPUs are expected to launch.

lmao tfw AMD cant make a consumer gaming GPU while focusing on enterprise instead

Rx 3070 at 200
rx 3060 at 140 bucks

Maybe cheaper if things happen, would like a rx 3060 at 99 bucks

I’d prefer RTG to stay alive. :neutral_face:


I think AMD should follow Nvidias example and position the “mid range” at $350. /s

250 to 300 for GTX 1080 performance sounds perfect.

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It would seem RTG has some serious fundamental design idea flaws if they are again going to be coming out with high end cards that are hot and massive power sinks. Something they are doing is just not working, but they keep doing it.

3060 is disappointing… what is the point of having a new architecture with new process if you are going to just do RX580 levels of performance. Just keep the 580 and produce less. 3070 not that compelling but not bad… while 3080 would be interesting at that price point. Same goes with the 3090, you are going to produce a card that has the same performance as card from a couple years prior… why? It’s like NVidia and AMD are producing new shit just to produce new shit, not actually improve things.

Look at the price. Performance remains the same, yes, but $60 less expensive.

Their cards are super efficent until they push clocks to compete head to head with Nvidia.

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That’s the problem, what they are doing in the micro is not working in the macro. But again, they keep doing it, again and again.

Is that RX580 Navi AMD price for the reference? Are there going to be reference cards? Still lots needs to be fleshed out.

I think it is MSRP. And even if not, $150 for RX 580 performance is nice, at 75W it is very nice (50% power improvement is also nice).
To cool 75W, you could press your thumb on it. Or do what XFX did on the RX 460:

I can see why.
They need to have something in the top 10 of the best GPU of 2019 videos, they need to have some high-end cards to get people to buy the low end.
Until they make purpose built DX11 cards (like the 9 and 10 series from Nvidia), then they will have to keep with their compute focused concept.

i have to say that it is very sad to see Navi turning out into being a whatever they scrambled together this time. its 1/2 new arch? its gcn after all and seams to have the same heat issues.


i looked forward to it and now i dont. well, if the benchmarks are fine, after all, ok.

well arcturus will be the 2080ti killer™©®

Ryzen Money started to kick in in early to mid 2017, a new arch needs 3+ years to arrive in labs.
So the earliest we can expect any heavy hitters (R&D wise), is 2021.

From the news that leaked (or did not for that matter, wich is a first for AMD), it seems they hit some very unexpected problem in a late stage of the development cylce.

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Yeah when and if some legit R&D gets going thats gonna be good.

Well, it will take time to get some high-end consumer GPUs, i do wonder, now that the cat is out of the bag, how arcturus will shake out. Wouldnt be the Ryzen Money R&D Arch :thinking:

thats bad news… well… there cooling mods out there, so if one puts some time and money in there…

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Because then you are running 2 production lines (and all the costs that entails), rather than just reclaiming failed 3080s. RX580 are the best binned polaris chips, rather than faulty reclaimed Navi chips (that would otherwise be scrap).

All this is speculation anyway because Navi is not out yet.

I don’t think AMD particularly care about building cards for DX11. Most of their sales will be from Console and Apple, where DX11 is entirely irrelevant (and Metal/Vulkan/DX12 on the Xbox or some other custom API are used).

Radeon on PC is far less of the market for them.

Here’s the thing, according to our internal sources its still a bit too early for the Navi launch to happen but there is nothing stopping AMD to drop some tantalizing teasers and other juicy information about their upcoming graphics card lineup.

RX6xx Line UP confirmed™©®

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Navi would possibly be the last GPU architecture based on AMD’s GCN (Graphics Core Next) DNA. It was confirmed through AMD’s Linux driver that Navi is indeed based on GCN and has the latest GFX1010 codename while Vega was termed as GFX900. There would be some major improvements made on the Navi architecture in terms of IPC and 7nm efficiency would be a showcase of the new cards, providing more drastic results compared to the Radeon VII which was also 7nm based but was simply a die shrunk Vega 10 GPU (Vega 20).


That 3090XT looks like an interesting piece.