AMD Radeon 7000 Series VFIO Discovery (AMD vDisplay)

So… I really don’t know what to make of this but.


Before you look at this and go, “meh, he hacked something”… think again!

It seems people have been possibly miss diagnosing a black/dead output from a 7000 series gpu when it’s passed through.

The common consensus to get an output from this generation in a VM is to hide the kvm leaf and set a random vendor_id, however if you don’t do this, the above happens. The GPU also disables all it’s physical outputs, making it appear to be dead/crashed/hung.

What does this mean?

Well Looking Glass can be used without a dummy plug or monitor attached for one.

What might this mean?

… profit? …


More research is required, but it’s interesting none the less.
It seems that prior generations (ie, 6000 series) do not do this.

Edit: by default this device allows 60Hz up to 3840x2160

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