AMD Live Stream & News

sure, will mark down important bits.

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Can't wait to see what they have to show.

op will be updated B)

do you want me to screen capture the entire thing? It may not be great quality, but...

Just comment the important bits as they happen.

Be sure to hide the YT chat box when watching, nothing but children and profanity in there.

if its live to youtube it should be watchable straight after near enough

This is it boiz

Well, it's a press conference anyway... Should be a lot of coverage... Hopefully.

I'm seeing nothing on those streams yet...

t-5 mins
but imma be watching when it starts nd ehh

There will be nothing on twitch... I think they said it in Twitch chat - youtube stream only.
Youtube stream is live, they just have the stock picture to prepare everything...

Prepare for the 30minute spiel about how they are innovative and amazing before we see anything... :)

Oh and 15minus elevator music

There is sound... It's live...

The Stream..

#The Harvest has Begun

AND just like that, my INTERNET provider TPG chokes! Darklord bless Australia!

1 minute....

It has begun...

New APUs to Drop

they beat i5 cpus