AMD GPU not recognized in fedora 33

Hello. I am new here. I just switched from windows to fedora 33 and i have trouble with software not recognizing the GPU. I am using blender for sculpting and rendering scenes. Also the hardware acceleration in browser is not available.

I have followed some tutorials and articles but none seemed to work. Also added free and non-free repos.
When i tried to install the drivers manually (RHEL 8.x) from amd website i get the following error:
No match for argument: amdgpu-versionlist
No match for argument: amdgpu-pro-versionlist

GPU: 5700xt
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

I just got 5700XT today and looking into similar problems. HW acceleration in GPU is simply switched off by default, so you can either wait a few days for a FF 84 that should enable WebRender for everyone or you can enable it manually now (about:config -> webrender.all -> true -> restart browser).

As for OpenCL acceleration in apps like blender, davinci etc, based on current read it requires amdgpu-pro driver which is not packaged in Fedora or rpmfusion, I’m actively reading about it but don’t have an answer myself.

You don’t need the pro driver. ROCm works with the opensource stack too. Find your equivalent packages for Fedora.

Thanks for the pointer, while this is helpful in other ways, Blender is not looking for ROCm installed and could not use it or so it seems

So after more digging I found this article and I’ll probably have to install the pro drivers and test

from nightromantic
It looks like OpenCL rendering on open-source drivers aren’t supported by Blender
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Maybe I forgot to mention that, but you can run what AMD calls a Hybrid Stack were you can mix an match modules between the Open source and the Closed Source drivers/stacks

did you succeed in bringing opencl to Blender in fedora 33?

Still looking for a workable solution …