I'm looking at building an AMD based PC and would like to know your recommendations on CPU, MoBo and GPU. I'm looking at playing games on mid to high settings. I would like to keep the cost for these parts around $800 -$900 Aus.
Edit: I would also like it if red and black are involved as much as possible... Yay for making it even harder.
Edit 2: That would be $800 -$900 for MoBo, GPU and CPU.
Edit 3: This is what i'm looking at, im going a little (not really) overkill on the looks but I want my first real desktop.
What do you have already? Do you need a monitor and keyboard etc. at that price?
The best prices in Australia are probably at MSY, but their service is horrible. PCCaseGear are a good online alternative I've been told - I've heard their service is quite good.
Are you hoping to base the system on an 8 or 6 core? I run an FX-6300 based build that you could easily replicate for less than that price and I can run almost everything on high (my GPU is a bit old even, so you'd be even better off).
I was saying $800 - $900 for MoBo CPU and GPU. I'm asking more about the CPU and GPU recommendations as I have always been more of a Intel Nivida guy but the AMD pricing has pulled me over to there side.
you mean $800/900 for just a mobo/cpu and GPU?
or a complete build?
anyway complete build: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/3aau4
only cpu / mobo / gpu: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/3aazc
I added a second edit to clear this up but it is $800 -$900 for just the MoBo CPU and GPU.
And thanks for the suggestion.
Something like MisteryAngel's build will be just fine. I am an NVIDIA guy myself, but you can't go wrong with the full AMD suite in the suggested build.
it was a bit confusing anyway, then i think my cpu / mobo / gpu suggestion, is something to look at, a R9-280X is capable to max out all todays games without any pain.
yeah well, the problem with Aus is that over there, the AMD gpu´s are cheaper, then there direct Nvidia competition, a GTX770 4GB, is arround $50 / $60 more, then a R9-280X. you can get a GTX770 2GB for arround the same price as the 280X but then you talk about a 2GB edition, this is also fine for its needs, but i would personaly jump in the 280X 3GB vram route then.
And if he like to spend $30 more he could also go crazy on this:
Option 2: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/3aaJe
But its complete overkill for high settings, a R9-290 can maxout every game on highres.
Cheaper but decent option1: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/3aazc