Hi fellow nerds, I put a wishlist together based on top-sellers and recommended books. Am I missing something? Considering I have basic to intermediate Python / R skills, am a self-learner and I would like to get into AI/Machine Learning/Data Science what should I start with? (I was thinking Data Science From Scratch)
All those books you list will be great for sure, expensive if you buy them all thou:-)
For entry Machine Learning try the Stanford Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning its free and you will implement the major Machine Learning techniques, after that you can do the full Stanford series on YouTube by the same great teacher, which is much more involved.
Gilbert Strang does a great book on Linear Algebra, Calculus.(MIT You Tube course as well)
Start learning Pandas, Numpy etc in www.scipy.org, Tensorflow, web scrapping (Selenium, Requests), common crawl, language processing nltk etc
Go onto Meetup.com and find some Data meetups near you and go, you will be able to talk to like minded people and see talks regarding the subject.
Its a huge field but I think the best way is to start gathering your own data (80% of Data Science time is spent doing this:-)) and implement the techniques you learn on the way.
some advice if you are buy something published by O'reilly buy it from them direct there is no DRM on the digital copies. Also you might want to review some of those books after reading one because they might have same information in them.
I have Strung's Calculus and I really liked it, will definitely look into his Linear Algebra. I am currently going through Udacity Data-Analyst Nanodegree but it feels a lot easier than the Andrew Ng course.
It's not just about learning how to code in a specific programming language, but also about learning how to learn in general through repetition and study.